Sunday, July 24, 2022

My 2022

Always have a million things to do, literally getting through the day task by task, parents' flying back to China, summer house party, playdates, soccer coach, art projects for horse riding summer camp, starting of school, musical storytime classes....And a million open threads about a million topics to put into writing, never even got a tiny bit of time for those... 

Haven't I been like this for as long as I could remember? From pregnancy through their infancy till now, have I even gotten regular breaks like Saturdays and Sundays, for the past 8 years? Never! It's always 24/7 for two full-time jobs each for a child! My five years in xxx, hadn't I worked at least 15 hours a day, almost no weekends, out of the passion for a better China? And before that? Haven't I lived to the fullest of the full, going about the world, meeting and talking with people, taking in as much as I could thus shook off the shackles and broke free?

Never dreamed about money and fame cos money always falls easily. Now as we have been witnessing the "curse of the rich" fall upon some of our closest, we pray to be excused from rising to the top, however, be affluent enough to carry out those passions in life. Passion to see a better world for the future generations to come. 

Neither the bottom nor the top is easily included in the categories to realize true happiness in life. Therefore staying in the middle has slowly become our common consensus subconsciously. It's like gambling indeed, as long as you know when to be satisfied and are firm about putting a stop to it, you should be excused from the curse of it. 

I think watching our steps to make sure they are always guided by passion and compassion but never the drive of money and fame is gonna be one of the most crucial tasks for life onward. 

And not only for us, but to instill such mindset and habit into our children, get them mentally ready to be accidentally pulled into the cursed categories, should also be one of the fundamental values we pass down to them. Fill their hearts with love and respect, from parents and grandparents, from aunties uncles and friends, from all the books, animals and sports that they love and learn from, that should build them a fairly strong ground for facing off the ups & downs, and the unforeseeable hidden reefs along their journey here. 

I am indeed very excited about starting a new phase in life, getting back to being a full-time working woman, out there challenging the dictator and his/their authoritarian regime, and pushing forward the democratic transition for the people who lived 2000 years in dark... 

So many things have happened, life took turns after turns. But I wish to stay stubborn, stay curious, stay furious, and stay kind.  

And out of the million things that are going on in the world and in my universe, this is how I wish to be remembered, in the year of 2022.  

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