Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I'll Live

yes, you can take away, that's what you're best at

you took away my could-be bigger brother

you burned down houses, cut out 8-month-old fetuses from wombs

you made the blood sea of dead female fetuses

but now you want us to be your womb farms, again? 

you clamped down on feminism, slapped on any women who dared to speak up

you smacked my head against the iron wall, cracked my head open 

you stripped me off all my clothing, piece by piece

you spat on me, punched me, kicked me, all over my body

but now you want us to be your baby-making machines, again?

I made sure whatever I pushed out from my vagina had nothing to do with you

the young women will make sure nothing, absolutely nothing will grow inside of their wombs

I hold my infants in my arms, my body against the freezing iron wall

in front of the whole world,

I'm completely naked and all bruised up

but I'll live

I'm not anymore inside your iron bar cage

I'll live freely

I'll laugh and I'll love

I'll make love 

oh yea

I'll make love like I'm dropped from a parallel universe

a world that's not ruled by evils like your kind

      Precisely what I did in 2023 and what I'm planning to do in 2024

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