Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The real violence usually are sent via DM 真正的暴力在公众看不见的私信留言DM里

The worst violence is in the DM, instead of the public commentary area. In direct messages, they can say whatever nasty things they want, use whatever evil language they want. And maybe this is sometimes the reason that pushed the vulnerable off the cliff.

I am posting the violent DMs I received, as you can see, a lot of them were cursing in the most vicious way. The reason I post these is that you understand what it looks like so be prepared mentally, just in case. Also if you have a loved one who happens to have a public life online, you know what to watch for.




--Related Blogs: 

*Why nailed me as a piece of countering-free-world propaganda and brainwashing material? 

*[Twitter May-June] Internet Violence - Making a Record as How it is Unfolding 

*The real violence usually are sent via DM 

*Why I regularly post the violent comments I receive? 

*A Poem - If I Could Stay, Why I Ever Leave? 

*With You By My Side, My World Lit Up Like A Northern Sky 

*Internet Violence in China #Brainwash #Propaganda #ExtremNationalism #Discrimination #Defamation #Persecution #FalseAccusation #PromoteHatred #MinistryofTruth #ThoughtPolice

-- Related Youtube Videos: 

*The Incident in February 2021 

*When They Make Hit Videos About U, U Know U'r Famous!..Hilarious.. 

*😂😂 How Famous am I in China? Some Video Platform Search Results #郑墨沫 #中印恋人 #嫁给印度人 #网络暴力 #抹黑污蔑

*21世紀中國式的黑白顛倒 指鹿為馬 閉塞無知 公開羞辱 侵犯私權 文革批鬥 My Story in Parallel Universe: Public Shaming and Persecution

*The Most Violent Languages Usually Sent Via DM(2)

*The Most Violent Languages Usually Sent Via DM(1) 

*China-India Border Tensions Bring Internet Violence To Chindian Family 

*China's Internet Censorship and Violence 【21世紀文字獄】 

*Internet Violence - Glimpse of 12 Years of Violence Against Me in Chinese Internet 

*[Twitter May-June] Internet Violence - Making a Record as How it is Unfolding #辛格莫默 #嫁給印度人 #網絡暴力

*[Twitter June-July] Internet Violence - War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength #網絡暴力

*[Twitter Aug-Sep] Internet Violence #ExtremeNationalism #Propaganda #HateEducation #Brainwash #網絡暴力

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