Tuesday, September 28, 2021

[Twitter June-Sep] Internet Violence #ExtremeNationalism #Propaganda #HateEducation #Brainwash #Antifeminism #網絡暴力 #中國網絡 #洗腦 #反女權

Why nailed me as a piece of countering-free-world propaganda and brainwashing material? 

1. "She is a woman, women's behavior should be within a certain frame and limit. The worst scenario is that our good Chinese women running away to be the reproduction tool of evil foreign men. All there is to women is pleasure tool and species continuation"; 

2. "She is educated. Educated women are the worst evil. Not only this phenomenon is affecting our population growth, but it also brings down social morality, affecting the mentality of our other good women in society"; 

3. "She embraces individual freedom which is naturally opposing to collectivism and she even has the audacity to express it, this is the worst evil that could exhibit in an individual. Any tendency of individualism is the enemy of the collective commonwealth of our evergrande nation"; 

4. "We would let you go if you married a white from a once-supreme country, but an Indian? Indian equals black, black is on the bottom of the food chain, nobody going down the chain. Nothing to do with the size though, we're talking about skin colors, skin color is what truly matters, nobody cares about the size."


--Related Blogs: 

*How Famous am I in China? Some Video Platform Search Results https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/07/how-famous-am-i-in-china-some-video.html 

*Why nailed me as a piece of countering-free-world propaganda and brainwashing material? https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/09/twitter-june-sep-internet-violence.html 

*[Twitter May-June] Internet Violence - Making a Record as How it is Unfolding https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/06/twitter-may-june-internet-violence.html 

*The real violence usually are sent via DM https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2020/06/dm.html 

*Why I regularly post the violent comments I receive? https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2020/06/why-i-regularly-post-violent-comments-i.html 

*A Poem - If I Could Stay, Why I Ever Leave? https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-poem.html 

*With You By My Side, My World Lit Up Like A Northern Sky https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/03/with-you-by-my-side-my-world-lit-up.html 

*Internet Violence in China #Brainwash #Propaganda #ExtremNationalism #Discrimination #Defamation #Persecution #FalseAccusation #PromoteHatred #MinistryofTruth #ThoughtPolice https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/05/internet-violence-chinese.html

-- Related Youtube Videos: 

*The Incident in February 2021  https://youtu.be/ddrSYPc5A98 

*When They Make Hit Videos About U, U Know U'r Famous!..Hilarious..  https://youtu.be/crfz0CNMJRk 

*😂😂 How Famous am I in China? Some Video Platform Search Results #郑墨沫 #中印恋人 #嫁给印度人 #网络暴力 #抹黑污蔑 https://youtu.be/xTxqcTyb12I

*21世紀中國式的黑白顛倒 指鹿為馬 閉塞無知 公開羞辱 侵犯私權 文革批鬥 My Story in Parallel Universe: Public Shaming and Persecution https://youtu.be/6X-YiGiGaHY

*The Most Violent Languages Usually Sent Via DM(2)https://youtu.be/YrdHZJem6WI

*The Most Violent Languages Usually Sent Via DM(1) https://youtu.be/tf4nJlgt1cI 

*China-India Border Tensions Bring Internet Violence To Chindian Family https://youtu.be/rlng22KPGEs 

*China's Internet Censorship and Violence 【21世紀文字獄】https://youtu.be/EoWGwqscwNo 

*Internet Violence - Glimpse of 12 Years of Violence Against Me in Chinese Internet https://youtu.be/tXRBaqQBux0 

*[Twitter May-June] Internet Violence - Making a Record as How it is Unfolding #辛格莫默 #嫁給印度人 #網絡暴力 https://youtu.be/JF2pxR5c9Xo

*[Twitter June-July] Internet Violence - War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength #網絡暴力 https://youtu.be/zD25PJVnacQ

*[Twitter Aug-Sep] Internet Violence #ExtremeNationalism #Propaganda #HateEducation #Brainwash #網絡暴力 https://youtu.be/QHjETyk2PXI

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