Thursday, October 31, 2019


和印度老公聊起排灯节的由来,背后的神话故事以及排灯节与杜迦女神节的关联。原来排灯节和杜迦女神节所依的是完全不同的神话故事,只不过他们在一年中所发生的日期是一样的。为什么会在同一天呢?作为外国人我不是很明白,于是细究进去。这才得知排灯节所庆祝的 Rama主神,选了杜迦女神打战的具体日期作为自己去打战的日期,并且在打战之前向杜迦女神祭拜和祈福,以获得更多力量。和杜迦女神一样,Rama主神也是在第十日战胜。

而且你们知道吗?Rama的神话故事出自公元前七百年的印度巨篇史诗“罗摩耶纳”。在学术界算做是现代印度教(三千年历史)的开端。而杜迦女神的故事,比“罗摩耶纳”早得多,是流传在罗摩耶纳时代的民间神话故事。所以 Rama神才会向杜迦女神祈福,因为杜迦女神是 Rama的主神。现在看看印度民间,什么 Rama神,什么杜迦女神,根本就没有区别,都是他们印度人的神,哪个都要拜拜,这么一代又一代传承了下来。

印度婆家祖村将杜迦女神奉为最重要的神,杜迦女神的祭典是最重要的庆典,这是印度婆家刹帝利这个种姓自古就有的传统。现在这么看来,肯定是早于罗摩耶纳时期就已建立的传统,一直传了至少四五千年,传到了今天。排灯节这个祭拜 Rama神的节日,是近三千年才有的。 




这些考古证据大多来自于对古印度文明的发掘,越来越多古物显示古印度文明其实是得到了极大的传承。从古印度河流域的古城里发掘出来的古物中,有供祭拜的女神的神像,有希娃(湿婆)神的 Lingam(男性生殖器),有符合希娃神的大部分特征的雕像,有额头抹了红粉的女性雕像(现代印度教已婚女人额头都抹着红粉),另外盘腿打坐的瑜伽冥想姿势也在众多古物里找到。还有这几年新的卫星照片显示,因为气候原因印度河当时改了道,所以沿岸的古城消失。这正证明了古城的消失不是因为有外敌入侵,而是自然原因,那么古印度人肯定是搬迁走了啊,十有八九是南下了。 






著名的希娃神打坐像印章 发掘于古印度遗址中


告诉你为什么雅利安人入侵的理论就是个伪理论 - 纪录片:印度教的来龙去脉

跳舞的女人 古印度遗址

戴着夸张头饰的女人 古印度遗址



古印度遗址 各种交易中使用的印章 




Monday, October 28, 2019

Why Aryan Invasion Theory is a total made-up by the British to advance their inhuman colonialism and imperialism?

I know most of you Indians are too cool to care. As an interested outsider, I am keen to get my facts right. Please correct me if I were wrong, and welcome to more discussions.

So this is what I figured out recently: Aryan invasion theory is utterly fabricated by the British to put down Indians, so they are easily subjected to occupation and exploitation. It's one of the evilest shit ever in human history. For more than 300 years, the British put this in the Indians' mind - You are just a bunch of bastards, you lost your original culture (Indus Valley Civilization), what you have as a culture now, comes from some white dudes who are moving herdsmen and rapists.

Aryan Invasion theory was in each every textbook and each every scholar's mind, it was in each every classroom that studied Indian history and in the South Asia department of each every university and college in the world. This theory was injected in all of South Asians' blood, for centuries. But it just took me, a stay-home mom some reading and India trips to figure it out.

What is the Aryan Invasion theory by the way? In short, it's saying that at the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization (2000 BCE), bands of light-skinned Aryans invaded the Indian Subcontinent from Central Asia and conquered the dark-skinned Indus dwellers. And the light-skinned Aryans were the noble ones who designed the religious ritual system and stayed on top of the pyramid, ruling over the dark-skin ones.

By the saying of it, I could feel that the theory was baked up from an extremely racist place. Not to traumatize you all, the large majority of Chinese who think themselves know something about India, they learned the light-skinned higher caste rulers are white people - the European descendent Aryans who came to invade India.

The sad part is most people are unaware, but in their conscious mind, they are situated to white supremacy without knowing. Good work British, this is how you ruled the world and we are still living in the dark.

Five years ago I was named as one of the 100 people who actually really know something about India (out of the 1.3 billion). Five years later, I am not sure how many of the 100 people are still active. And out of the 100 or whatever number it is, I don't think other than me, any scholar ever openly brought up the evilness or wrongness of the Aryan Invasion theory, or they just never cared to question. So ya, the 1.3 billion Chinese are still in the dark, thanks to the British.

So why Indus Valley Civilization is still alive and active among all Indians? How can you say Indian culture is the only surviving ancient civilization that never died? First of all, with more advanced technology, more and more unearthed artifacts from Indus Valley Civilization are undoubtedly proving, today among Hindus, they are doing pretty much the same thing. For example, worshipping to Goddess (female) statue, worshipping of Shiv lingam, lotus posture found in various artifacts, figure that highly resembled lord Shiv, red-colored Sindhu found on the forehead of women's statue. The evidence is only accumulating.

Also, recent satellite photography has shown that between 1900 and 1600 BCE the Indus River changed course, the cities of the Indus Civilization were being abandoned during that period.  Most likely the Indus Valley people just migrated to different locations. Furthermore, Aryans' own extensive writings never mention wars or hostilities against peoples who can be positively identified as indigenous to India.

And take a look at the Durga Puja celebration, one of the biggest events in Hindu culture today. The mythology of Durga maa goes way earlier than Ramayana. Lord Rama chose the date of Durga maa's fighting to go on his own fighting, and he prayed to Durga maa to gain strength. To me, it shows the continuance and persistence of the ancient culture.

And as a human being, I don't think we are recognizing and celebrating enough the fact that, whatever the humans in Indus Valley did 6000 years back, we are still doing it today. This is definitely the biggest miracle in today's living world. And I truly believe that to decipher the ancient culture that has survived through all the ups and downs in human history, is the only way to save us in the future.


More on Durga Puja

I asked my husband about the story of Diwali, the connection between Diwali and Durga Puja. What I realized is the mythology of Durga maa goes way earlier than lord Rama ("Ramayana" was written at 7th to 4th centuries BCE).

At that time (7th century BC), Durga maa's story must be like lord Rama's story at our time - prominent mythology that came from hundreds and thousands of years back, passed down from generation to generation.

It has to be from a very advanced civilization that had a systematic worshipping mechanism, that civilization must be around for a long long time, and was strong and influential enough to later lead to the creation of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Which is just a development of the same civilization. It has to be Indus Valley Civilization.

This is what I couldn't get out of my mind.

The key to this issue - decipher the ancient words found in Indus Valley, if there is a connection, then it can prove the "out of India" hypothesis. Which will have a stronger and stronger stand in the future, I personally believe.

Even there is no connection between the languages in Indus Valley to Vedic, it doesn't eliminate the fact that the rituals and worshipping system has passed down. The Vedas somehow recorded all of this. By all means, I don't see the sign of "Invasion", maximum "Integration".

I wouldn't at another life, believe the worshipping of Durga maa was imported from Central Asia. lol 

Correct me if I were wrong.

My take on Aryan Invasion Theory


The famous Shiva figure with lotus posture, three faces and surrounded by animals

The other figure found in a seal with lotus posture and three faces

Friday, October 25, 2019

告诉你为什么雅利安人入侵的理论就是个伪理论 - 纪录片:印度教的来龙去脉











Thursday, October 10, 2019



"When criticism is suppressed, mild disapproval becomes too harsh. When mild disapproval is suppressed, keeping silent becomes seemly suspicious. When keeping silence is not an option anymore, praising but not hard enough becomes a crime." - translated on October 10th 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019

Boys love building blocks Girls love dolls? My thoughts on my children's choice on toys

I have something interesting to share with you all. As a lot of our friends know, my son loves to build from the beginning. His favorite toys are building blocks, train tracks, lego, magnet blocks, puzzles, anything that he could build and create. He is always known as the "little engineer". Meanwhile, my daughter rarely showed any interest in any of her brother's building toys. Instead, she picked the soft toys that her brother seldom touched. She treats them as her "babies" and takes care of them.

I had never worried a thing, because my house is not "pink-blue" marked, meaning all of my kids' toys are gender-neutral, our attitude towards them also gender-neutral. My daughter likes to play with her "babies", she is also wild and full of energy, her other favorites are reading, sports and being mischievous, she is emotionally very mature, she is perceiving and expressive.

But when parents compare notes, you sometimes would hear a little disappointment or concern toward girls' choice of toys. "Why she only likes her dolls?" "We are trying to make her play more of the building blocks." "Well, boys are boys, girls are girls." And in my house, a few times we heard comments like "Aditi, stop playing with your 'babies' and build something with your brother!" "How can you guys let her play dolls all day long? I don't want her to grow up to be unintelligent."

Now this is a very interesting aspect. Most of us literally was raised up in patriarchal society, up to today, large of us still live in such mentality and environment. This is where the "males-who-do-engineering > females-who-Only-nurture, engineering > nurturing" mindset rooted. Well, there are obviously other angles to it, for example, the popular campaign of "STEM" or "STEAM" education that promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.

As you can foresee, while my daughter is growing out of her infancy, the pressure of making her play with "engineering type of toys" is also growing. I would sit her down and (almost forcefully) teach her puzzles, sometimes on the edge of breaking out, I am holding up my patience but some unhealthy thoughts start racing in my mind "why she is not getting it as fast as her brother?" "When he was at this age, he could do 48 pieces easily, but she can't even figure out 8?"

Before all of this went to a dark and misleading direction, one day something just clicked in my mind as I was recalling why myself loved building wooden blocks when I was little. I was building castles for the "people" to live! Without this emotional element, pure engineering would not excite me.

I believe everybody is triggered by different keywords, while my son's keywords are Train, Plane, Rocket, my daughter's are People, Emotions, Relationship. This absolutely doesn't indicate that she is uninterested for STEM, you just need to guide her by her own keywords.

So I asked her "do you want to build a crib for your baby bunny?" Before we had time to get shocked, she was building crib, highchair and house for her babies, and she was extremely happy and excited that whole night. In the photo, it's the "bunny highchair" she designed and built.

Some of the things I learned from this experience:

1. Parents have no power in choosing the interests of their children, all you need to do is accept it and respect it;

2. For bringing up children, it's really tedious and frustrating sometimes, but there is always a way, you just need to be more patient, get a little deeper and try harder.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Internet violence in Bilibili on my videos - Chindian - The Chinese woman who married to an Indian man

This is absolutely what internet violence looks like. And everyday uncountable new comments and violent direct messages are being made to me.

[Bilibili is a video sharing website in China.]

Each of my video, no matter the content is about Indian food, Indian dress, my Indian family or India trips, in the comment section the replies are filled with brutal cursings like "may you gang-raped a thousand times", "may you and your family die a tragic death" etc. 50% of the comments are composed with short cursings like "get the f* out of Bilibili", "not dead yet? still here?" A large number of comments would use a dog or a pig or it (pronoun of an animal) when referring to me.

80% of them urge each other to officially Report my videos and account, just because my videos are talking about India in a positive but not demeaning way. And they would tag the official account of "Communist Youth League of China", wishing CYLC would give pressure to Bilibili so to delete my account.

Almost none of them stay within facts or topics, but directly aiming for personal attacks, my accent, my appearance, my makeup, my facial expressions, my body shape, my education background, my hometown, the logic of my mind wouldn't matter at all.

Because my accent is similar to Taiwanese accent, a huge amount of the comments make a discriminating gesture to my assumed-Taiwanese identity. My accent is how my family and the people in my area speak, to the majority of users who leave comments, if you can't pronounce the so-called "standard" Beijing or northern China mandarin, you don't know Chinese at all, you don't know Chinese culture at all and you are not a Chinese at all.

From the very beginning (around Feburary 2019) of my Bilibili account usage, the users there started to accuse me "deleting comments which give blessings" so to intentionally show in Youtube, for financial benefit. I have never even had time to take a look. Now it's July, my parents are here to help me take care of my two kid, I can deal with this issue at last.

I feel that there is research value to record each of my "popular" videos in Bilibili and upload the recording in somewhere safe (Youtube e.g.), meaning my account won't be "disappeared" by other forces other than myself.

It's history, it's evidence.

To reply to those comments about me "deleting blessing comments":

 1. Only the same type of people who leave nasty, offensive, ignorant and eye-opening comments in Bilibili are in Youtube watching my recording of their own nasty, offensive, ignorant and eye-opening comments;

 2. Bilibili is infamous for being intolerant and filthy nowadays, uncountable accounts have closed down themselves due to the unbearable internet violence and personal attacks;

 3. I never delete nor block any comment or users, that's just my online policy to myself. If I ever have the time to do such things, why do I delete blessing comments? Am I nuts? lol...

 4. In all the screen recordings of my videos in Bilibili, there is a small percentage (around 3%?) which is condemning the act of internet violence (on me). In the recordings, you can see me "Like" the comments. If I have deleted them, why they are there? lol...

Why don't I just delete my account in Bilibili? 

First of all, I am not a person who easily back down. Threatening works on me way less effective than treating me with respect;

Secondly, Bilibili provides an external url that allows search engines like Google or Baidu to display the video in their search result. Why not?

Until they delete my account forcefully (which could happen any second), I will keep using this platform to post videos.

Here I am posting four recordings. First three are complete recordings of three "popular" videos. The fourth one is a compilation of positive feedbacks. This type of comments are rounded up to around 3%, vs 97% violent comments, it includes some neutral feedback, some support and some condemning on internet violence.

More you can find in my Youtube account Momo Singh, under the Playlist "Internet Violence" .

Some more words

My internet violence experience started from a decade ago in 2009, when I accidentally posted some photos with Raj and a short description. It created a huge wave of violent responses on me throughout China, only because of my choice.

A decade now, from establishing my blog to keep exploring new ways of expressing, from going through ups and downs to achieve extreme calmness. Thanks to this experience online, now I am as tough as a diamond.

No matter what you do, there will always be people who throw rocks at you, who spit at you. Simply because they are lacking basic respect and they don't have goals in life.

So keep your calm and keep doing the right things. Because in the end, none of those noises ever matters or hardly existed. But only the people you helped pull up, with your positivity and love.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

My view on feminism

I'm responding to my friends' comments on the book I am reading about bringing up girls, one section that the author talks about the difference on brain function between boys and girls. First of all it's great to see the discussion on feminism in India, thank you for updating me the information. I have my own stand on this issue and now I feel the the need to go through it in English too. Yes I indeed quite often express and discuss this topic in my Chinese social media.

1. While I am agreeing on the existence of different brain function on boys and girls(as the book illustrates), I think rather easily people take it to a different degree, especially people coming from a patriarchal background. For example, words such as "wild" and "naughty" are not to discribe brain functions but character and personality. Although boy brains and girl brains are wired differently (in most cases), personality exists without a pattern. Take my kids for example, my boy is truly a boy-like "engineer brain", and my girl excels in sensing emotions and expressing, they play different kinds of toys without any influence from outside. Meanwhile my daughter is more naughty and more wild than my boy.

2. From the reading I kind of understood (some schools of) feminism in nowadays India is trying to eliminate the difference between men and women, physical and mentally. In my opinion, admit the difference is not unfeminist, but only scoring the difference unequally is unfeminist.

For example, when I say "my girl is such a girl, she is loving and caring, she plays doll all day long." As most of us who grew up in a patriarchal society, our brian automatically gives a conclusion: "She is a mother material." But that's absolutely not in my mind. I only see the difference of brain function in my two kids but I do NOT think one will neccesarily "achieve higher" than another ("achieve higher" as what the society thinks - higher salary and higher position, personally I don't think there is another job more important than mother).

Why? Because if a brain is wired to feel deeper and wider emotions, to better master the language and is more expressive. What does this indicates? This brain will be suitable to be a future diplomat, politician, thinker, philosopher, leader, manager, negotiator, communicator, famous writer or well-known comedian. But why in such women-brain-suitable fields, rarely you see successful women? Because they are told "NOT TO DO" from a young age. And all of this is not the result of the difference in men and women brains, but a result of Patrilineality that could be traced back to the beginning of human society. We are still living in that after-world.

3. Aren't men and women tremendously different? Obviously, because our hormones are totally different and it affects almost everything. Men can separate body and emotions, women just can't. Men can have their brain blank as a paper for the longest time, women's brain never stops, not even in their sleep. Women have to accept the reality that a "hormone bomb" is coming each every month to mess up their emotions and feelings, men have no idea whatsoever.

4. As a feminist, I believe it is meaningless to ask women to match up to men, instead women should live up to their own potentials. Because we both are equally powerful creatures with our differences. Actually most fields are suitable for both women brain and men brain, the only difference is determination,  ambition, hardwork and belief.

I hope I have expressed myself clearly with where I stand as a feminist and I welcome your further discussions.

#feminist #feminism

Monday, May 13, 2019

About discipline, bullying and love to your children

This is what happened today in my daughter's gymnastics class: at first, this boy who was taller suddenly climbed on my daughter who just had a flip on the mat and lying down face up. I didn't react, he was on top of her for around 10 seconds, I waited out. It was just a children's play to me. My daughter complained that her leg got a little hurt, I said: "it's ok, he was just playing with you, giving you a hug."

20 minutes later my daughter was walking on the balance beam by herself, the same boy suddenly came from behind and pushed her hard, knocked her down to the ground. I raised my voice on him:"NO!" "No pushing!""Please say sorry to her."

And I realized it later that the boy actually identified my daughter as a "weak" one because when he did his first try of bullying, I didn't react. My daughter is tough, she also didn't care much. Even when she was knocked down from the balance beam, she didn't react a bit, only watching my response. 

And yes, I have zero tolerance for bullying, because I face severe bullying and personal attack constantly. Also when I was 13 I was sexually assaulted/harassed/bullied, that affected me more than a decade of my young adulthood. So if you crossed my line, I will make sure my words are one of the strongest you will hear for a while.

Especially those budding bulliers, people need to have your firm "No"s for them to hear. For the ones their parents don't give enough disciplines at home, you are actually helping them by letting them know there are "No"s in this world. The earlier they realize the wrongs in their behavior, the less chance they end up in bad places.

And why I have to say "No" and demand a "sorry" from him right then and there? It is for the bullied side to see. So they know there is justice in the world. For kids this young, it is helping them to understand what is right and what is wrong. If nobody is there to serve justice, they will be confused. And if this frequently happens, they wouldn't be able to tell wrong from right.

There is an old Chinese saying "in the behavior of a three-year-old kid, you can see a picture of his/her adulthood."(三岁看长) Which means -- YOU GOT TO discipline your kids from at least 2-year-old. 2 to 6 years is the window, earlier than 2, he/she wouldn't understand, older than 6, you don't have the power anymore. The foundation of personality is mature at 6 and will last for a lifetime.

Teach them to respect, to share, to love, to have self-control, to conquer his/her selfishness. Teach them what is wrong and what is right, be firm with where your stand, no is no.

Each kid is beautiful but deep down in human nature if there was too much indulgence of unwatched love, greed and selfishness will grow with no time, and that will surely lead to the kid's unhappiness at the end.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

It's not easy for Indo-Chinese Couples? 嫁给印度人之来自中国的印度媳妇的心得

From Indians-In-China IICofficial 2018-08-14

"Raj and I fell in love within a few days after meeting each other at "Coffee Hour" at the beginning of our summer session in 2008. When we decided to get married in the year 2009, we didn't tell our parents because both sides wouldn't agree, and in fact, they were against our union at that time. So we got married at the Civic Center of San Francisco. After several years we finally gained approval from our families. In January 2013 my parents hosted a Chinese wedding ceremony for us in my hometown, a remote place in the mountain area in Fu Jian province. “


As for Raj's family, they are going to host the Indian wedding in December 2013 in their hometown in east India. In Chinese and Indian society, wedding is one of the biggest social events, it's not only the bonding of two people, but more a family event. And since both of our parents need to host the wedding among their own social circles, there should be two ceremonies. So this is why we already had a Chinese wedding at the beginning of the year, and we are going to have an Indian wedding at the end of the year..."


Growing up, Zheng Momo from Guangze county, Fujian Province never imagined that she would marry a man from India, a nation that is geographically close China but still remains a mystery to most of China's population.


She and Raj Shekhar Singh, from Bokaro in India, have been married for 9 years, and live in the US.

来自印度Bokaro的她和Raj Shekhar Singh已经结婚9年了,住在美国。

"What attracts me to him is his rich spiritual world, his respect for women and his mercy to people and animals," Zheng said. “


"We went through a lot of barriers to be with each other like most other people in China-India cross-cultural relationships. We really cherish what we have today."


The number of China-India cross-cultural relationships and marriages has increased in recent years because of the more frequent economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries, according to Zheng's observations.


Hu Zhiyong, a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, also observed the same trend.


"As the internationalization got deeper and the economic and trade relationships between China and Southeast Asian countries develop, China-India cross-cultural relationships and marriages will increase," Hu said.


"Under the influence of the Belt and Road initiative, more Chinese are visiting and working in Southeast Asian countries. It also provides opportunities for Indians and Chinese to learn about each other," Hu said.


Zheng and her husband Raj met in 2008 in the US while they were participating in an academic exchange program. They fell in love quickly and a year later, they got married.


Ever since they met, Zheng has been observing the trend of China-India cross-cultural relationships and marriages. Back in 2008, there was no information about these types of relationships online. "But now when you search on the internet, you can always find new stories about China-India cross-cultural relationships," Zheng said.

自从他们见面以来,郑一直在观察中印跨文化关系和婚姻的趋势。早在2008年,就没有关于这些类型的在线关系的信息。 “但现在当你在互联网上搜索时,你总能找到关于中印跨文化关系的新故事,”郑说。

Zheng is a member of a WeChat group made up of people in China-India cross-cultural relationships and marriages.


"This group alone has 200 such couples," Zheng said.


Most of the relationships consist of an Indian man and a Chinese woman. According to Zheng, there is only one couple in the WeChat group where the woman is Indian and the man is Chinese. Most of the couples in the group live in China; a small percentage of them live in other more developed countries like the US.


"This shows the inequality of men and women in India. Men have more opportunities to get an education, go into the world and be free to choose their own marriages. Not many women in India have these opportunities," she said.


The increasing number of such couples indicates the more frequent exchanges between the two countries.


"More Indians are coming to cities in China like Guangzhou, Guangdong Province and Ningbo, Zhejiang Province to conduct business in trade. Once they are here, they meet the love of their life in China," Zheng said.


Besides the business community, there is also more education exchange between China and India. From this education exchange process, more China-India cross-cultural relationships and marriages have emerged.


According to a report by the People's Daily in January, there were 18,171 Indian students in China in 2016, which surpassed the number of Indian students in the UK, a country that has been very attractive to Indian students.


According to the same report, most Indian students choose to study medical science majors, engineering and computer sciences in China because of the lower cost and better job prospects.


According to a Global Times report in August 2017, the number of Chinese students in India has also increased in recent years. Chinese students are attracted by India's cost-effective higher-level education and English-language environment.


Dheeraj is a 22-year-old medical student who currently studies at Peking University, and he met his Chinese girlfriend a year ago on campus.


"Most Chinese girls are well educated, independent and have an open mind to people from other cultures. Besides that, their personality is very gentle, and they care about their family," Dheeraj said, adding that many of his Indian friends in China want to find a Chinese partner.


Besides the business and student community, many Chinese and Indians meet each other and fall in love in a third country while they are traveling or studying abroad like Zheng and her husband Raj did.


Yankee Chen, who runs a coffee shop in Beijing, met her Indian boyfriend in Malaysia while she was traveling with her friend.

在北京经营一家咖啡店的Yankee Chen在与她的朋友一起旅行时遇到了她在马来西亚的印度男友。

"I fell in love the first time I laid eyes on him, and we established a relationship the day after we met. Five years later, we are still together," Yankee Chen said. "Most of my friends don't understand why I insist on dating an Indian, whom they presume are uneducated, poor, unsanitary and have no respect for women. It's not easy."

“我第一次看到他时就坠入爱河,在我们见面后的第二天就建立了关系。五年后,我们还在一起,”Yankee Chen说。 “我的大多数朋友都不明白为什么我坚持与印度人约会,他们认为印度人没有受过教育,贫穷,不卫生,不尊重女性。这并不容易。”

Barriers to surmount 超越的障碍 

To Zheng and her husband Raj, their road together is a bumpy one, and they had to go through many obstacles to be together, mainly from their families.


When Zheng first announced to her parents that she was dating a guy from India and they were going to get married, her mother cried for an entire year.


"They didn't even know where India was, and they just assumed that people from India are poor, could not provide a good life for me, are superstitious and abuse women," Zheng said.


"They came to those conclusions based on the pieces of information from the internet where the media only report extreme cases as a hype to attract audiences."

“他们根据来自互联网的信息得出了这些结论,媒体只报道极端情况作为吸引观众的炒作。” "My family threatened to disown me if I insisted on being with him," Zheng recalled.


While Zheng was under pressure from her own parents, her boyfriend Raj was under even more pressure from his parents. Raj's mother also cried every day and worried about their relationship.


Arranged marriage is still the ideal choice for most Indian families. The older generations still believe that only by arranged marriage can their children have a stable marriage and that free love is a bad thing, according to Zheng, especially since Raj is from a place that tends to be closed-up to foreign cultures, and Raj is the first person in his hometown to marry a foreign woman that he knows of.


"Free love is frowned upon, not to mention finding a foreign woman, that's a catastrophe," Zheng said.


This is due to the stereotypes the older generation has for foreign women, according to Zheng.


The literacy rate and the internet penetration rate are not high in that time, so their perception of the outside world is limited, according to Zheng.


India went through a rather closed period, and the media created some stereotyped images of foreign women, like in the popular Indian movie Purab Aur Paschim (1970), the Western women in the movie are depicted behaving rather loosely and they trick the kind, pious Indian boys, according to Zheng.

印度经历了一个相当封闭的时期,媒体创造了一些外国女性的刻板印象,就像流行的印度电影Purab Aur Paschim(1970)一样,电影中的西方女性被描绘成表现得相当开放,他们欺骗那种善良,虔诚的印度男孩。

"Under those circumstances, it is no wonder that many older Indians are defensive about foreign women. The obstacles we went through are mainly because of the misunderstandings between people from the two countries," Zheng said.


Fortunately, their love for each other is determined. Zheng and Raj eloped in the US, where Raj was doing his doctorate degree. Later, due to the constant persuasion and the confirmation that they are nothing like the stereotyped images, their parents finally accepted their marriage.


The many similarities 有很多相似之处 

With nine years of marriage and two children, Zheng said despite the misunderstandings and the stereotyped images, people from China and India actually have a lot in common in terms of the relationship in a marriage and the strong attachment and feelings to their families.


The family culture in China and India are both ones where the parents sacrifice everything to support and take care of their children, and the children take care of their parents when they are old, Zheng said.


Momo writes for her Mother-In-Law on Facebook:  
For the past 40 days, every morning my mother-in-law wakes up at 6am to cook for the whole family, then she feeds, changes diaper, plays with the kids. In the library events we attend almost everyday, she is always jumping, singing and dancing with the kids, full of interests and energy. 
Every night after we feed, shower, and make the kids sleep, my mother-in-law would clean up the whole kitchen and living space. Most of the time at 11pm you would find her folding the mountains of clothes of the family, almost dosing off.  
The day before she flying back to India, she was crying and telling me:"Momo I love you very much." Do you know, Maa, I cherish each every minute of the quality time we spent with you.  
Because you show me what is the true meaning of selfless love. In this selfish world, we see people getting dragged into their little world, we see them getting smaller and smaller. They fight over small personal lost and gain, while you are breaking your back, quietly washing the millions of dishes, packing the zilliions of toys, mopping the floor of the whole house. 
You are still capable of giving, giving your whole heart. 
You are still capable of sacrificing, sacrificing without caring about the rewards. 
You are still ashamed of taking, no matter how tough of the life you had lived. 
You still respect each every being you encoutered, forgives each every wrong doing and you teach us to do the same.  
You are stronger than most of the people I've known. Because the ability of respect and forgive, the ability to achieve real inner peace, only happens with really strong minds.  
Every day I am feeling unbelievably lucky for my kids, because my mother has the exact same quality as my mother-in-law. 
I wish my kids will grow up to cherish their grandmothers, and to be like their grandmothers 

"Couples in both countries are dependent on each other. They put their money together and make important decisions together," Zheng said.


"We have close relationships with our close relatives; we would live close by and take care of each other. This familial culture is different from Western countries. I think because of the similar familial cultures, Raj and I get along even better," Zheng said.


Besides, Zheng believes that she has learned a lot from her Indian husband in terms of the peaceful and rich spiritual world, his philosophical worldview and his love for all living things.


"I believe that with the more frequent exchanges between the two countries, people from China and India will get deeper, and we will see more cross-cultural relationships and marriages between the two countries," Zheng said.
