Thursday, October 31, 2019


和印度老公聊起排灯节的由来,背后的神话故事以及排灯节与杜迦女神节的关联。原来排灯节和杜迦女神节所依的是完全不同的神话故事,只不过他们在一年中所发生的日期是一样的。为什么会在同一天呢?作为外国人我不是很明白,于是细究进去。这才得知排灯节所庆祝的 Rama主神,选了杜迦女神打战的具体日期作为自己去打战的日期,并且在打战之前向杜迦女神祭拜和祈福,以获得更多力量。和杜迦女神一样,Rama主神也是在第十日战胜。

而且你们知道吗?Rama的神话故事出自公元前七百年的印度巨篇史诗“罗摩耶纳”。在学术界算做是现代印度教(三千年历史)的开端。而杜迦女神的故事,比“罗摩耶纳”早得多,是流传在罗摩耶纳时代的民间神话故事。所以 Rama神才会向杜迦女神祈福,因为杜迦女神是 Rama的主神。现在看看印度民间,什么 Rama神,什么杜迦女神,根本就没有区别,都是他们印度人的神,哪个都要拜拜,这么一代又一代传承了下来。

印度婆家祖村将杜迦女神奉为最重要的神,杜迦女神的祭典是最重要的庆典,这是印度婆家刹帝利这个种姓自古就有的传统。现在这么看来,肯定是早于罗摩耶纳时期就已建立的传统,一直传了至少四五千年,传到了今天。排灯节这个祭拜 Rama神的节日,是近三千年才有的。 




这些考古证据大多来自于对古印度文明的发掘,越来越多古物显示古印度文明其实是得到了极大的传承。从古印度河流域的古城里发掘出来的古物中,有供祭拜的女神的神像,有希娃(湿婆)神的 Lingam(男性生殖器),有符合希娃神的大部分特征的雕像,有额头抹了红粉的女性雕像(现代印度教已婚女人额头都抹着红粉),另外盘腿打坐的瑜伽冥想姿势也在众多古物里找到。还有这几年新的卫星照片显示,因为气候原因印度河当时改了道,所以沿岸的古城消失。这正证明了古城的消失不是因为有外敌入侵,而是自然原因,那么古印度人肯定是搬迁走了啊,十有八九是南下了。 






著名的希娃神打坐像印章 发掘于古印度遗址中


告诉你为什么雅利安人入侵的理论就是个伪理论 - 纪录片:印度教的来龙去脉

跳舞的女人 古印度遗址

戴着夸张头饰的女人 古印度遗址



古印度遗址 各种交易中使用的印章 




Monday, October 28, 2019

Why Aryan Invasion Theory is a total made-up by the British to advance their inhuman colonialism and imperialism?

I know most of you Indians are too cool to care. As an interested outsider, I am keen to get my facts right. Please correct me if I were wrong, and welcome to more discussions.

So this is what I figured out recently: Aryan invasion theory is utterly fabricated by the British to put down Indians, so they are easily subjected to occupation and exploitation. It's one of the evilest shit ever in human history. For more than 300 years, the British put this in the Indians' mind - You are just a bunch of bastards, you lost your original culture (Indus Valley Civilization), what you have as a culture now, comes from some white dudes who are moving herdsmen and rapists.

Aryan Invasion theory was in each every textbook and each every scholar's mind, it was in each every classroom that studied Indian history and in the South Asia department of each every university and college in the world. This theory was injected in all of South Asians' blood, for centuries. But it just took me, a stay-home mom some reading and India trips to figure it out.

What is the Aryan Invasion theory by the way? In short, it's saying that at the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization (2000 BCE), bands of light-skinned Aryans invaded the Indian Subcontinent from Central Asia and conquered the dark-skinned Indus dwellers. And the light-skinned Aryans were the noble ones who designed the religious ritual system and stayed on top of the pyramid, ruling over the dark-skin ones.

By the saying of it, I could feel that the theory was baked up from an extremely racist place. Not to traumatize you all, the large majority of Chinese who think themselves know something about India, they learned the light-skinned higher caste rulers are white people - the European descendent Aryans who came to invade India.

The sad part is most people are unaware, but in their conscious mind, they are situated to white supremacy without knowing. Good work British, this is how you ruled the world and we are still living in the dark.

Five years ago I was named as one of the 100 people who actually really know something about India (out of the 1.3 billion). Five years later, I am not sure how many of the 100 people are still active. And out of the 100 or whatever number it is, I don't think other than me, any scholar ever openly brought up the evilness or wrongness of the Aryan Invasion theory, or they just never cared to question. So ya, the 1.3 billion Chinese are still in the dark, thanks to the British.

So why Indus Valley Civilization is still alive and active among all Indians? How can you say Indian culture is the only surviving ancient civilization that never died? First of all, with more advanced technology, more and more unearthed artifacts from Indus Valley Civilization are undoubtedly proving, today among Hindus, they are doing pretty much the same thing. For example, worshipping to Goddess (female) statue, worshipping of Shiv lingam, lotus posture found in various artifacts, figure that highly resembled lord Shiv, red-colored Sindhu found on the forehead of women's statue. The evidence is only accumulating.

Also, recent satellite photography has shown that between 1900 and 1600 BCE the Indus River changed course, the cities of the Indus Civilization were being abandoned during that period.  Most likely the Indus Valley people just migrated to different locations. Furthermore, Aryans' own extensive writings never mention wars or hostilities against peoples who can be positively identified as indigenous to India.

And take a look at the Durga Puja celebration, one of the biggest events in Hindu culture today. The mythology of Durga maa goes way earlier than Ramayana. Lord Rama chose the date of Durga maa's fighting to go on his own fighting, and he prayed to Durga maa to gain strength. To me, it shows the continuance and persistence of the ancient culture.

And as a human being, I don't think we are recognizing and celebrating enough the fact that, whatever the humans in Indus Valley did 6000 years back, we are still doing it today. This is definitely the biggest miracle in today's living world. And I truly believe that to decipher the ancient culture that has survived through all the ups and downs in human history, is the only way to save us in the future.


More on Durga Puja

I asked my husband about the story of Diwali, the connection between Diwali and Durga Puja. What I realized is the mythology of Durga maa goes way earlier than lord Rama ("Ramayana" was written at 7th to 4th centuries BCE).

At that time (7th century BC), Durga maa's story must be like lord Rama's story at our time - prominent mythology that came from hundreds and thousands of years back, passed down from generation to generation.

It has to be from a very advanced civilization that had a systematic worshipping mechanism, that civilization must be around for a long long time, and was strong and influential enough to later lead to the creation of Ramayana and Mahabharata. Which is just a development of the same civilization. It has to be Indus Valley Civilization.

This is what I couldn't get out of my mind.

The key to this issue - decipher the ancient words found in Indus Valley, if there is a connection, then it can prove the "out of India" hypothesis. Which will have a stronger and stronger stand in the future, I personally believe.

Even there is no connection between the languages in Indus Valley to Vedic, it doesn't eliminate the fact that the rituals and worshipping system has passed down. The Vedas somehow recorded all of this. By all means, I don't see the sign of "Invasion", maximum "Integration".

I wouldn't at another life, believe the worshipping of Durga maa was imported from Central Asia. lol 

Correct me if I were wrong.

My take on Aryan Invasion Theory


The famous Shiva figure with lotus posture, three faces and surrounded by animals

The other figure found in a seal with lotus posture and three faces

Friday, October 25, 2019

告诉你为什么雅利安人入侵的理论就是个伪理论 - 纪录片:印度教的来龙去脉











Thursday, October 10, 2019



"When criticism is suppressed, mild disapproval becomes too harsh. When mild disapproval is suppressed, keeping silent becomes seemly suspicious. When keeping silence is not an option anymore, praising but not hard enough becomes a crime." - translated on October 10th 2019