Friday, November 19, 2021

Detached from society

Suddenly this phrase popped up in my mind "she is/gonna be detached from the society" and stayed there today till now. I missed it out on yesterday's rant, and that friend of my parents' did use this exact phrase. 

This is on the top of the list when people try to exhibit their pretentious sympathy over my despairing situation as a non-wage earner. Well actually, most people don't even pretend to be concerned, they just directly use it as a weapon to sword me down and stamp my corps over. 

"Oooh, she is gonna be detached from society, grow more and more ignorant, out of touch of the real world. Eventually, her husband would lose the taste of her and abandon her, because there are so many successful, rich, sexy and young girls out there, working for fancy corporations and uptown offices, to seduce him. Poor little thing that called 'housewife' or 'stay-home mom'..." 

If housewives are "detached from society", then what are they attached to, I can't help fathoming. Their breadwinner husband's underpants? His wallets? The children's asses? 

Looks like nowadays when the Chinese, the highest feminist rate among its population on the whole planet obviously, think about housewives, all they can picture in the mind is a woman chained to the corner of the house, wiping the floor by the day, no break no rest. In the night, she dresses up in a naughty nurse's costume, hair in, tits out, waiting to serve the naughty doctor in the neon surgery room... 

Well, well, it's true, ok? But this is not all that we do, alright? Besides being 100% emotionally and financially dependent on others, being physically and sexually exploited by the money maker of the house, we also enjoy taking some fresh air in the garden occasionally, walking on the pavement of the community with other housewives, if we are lucky enough, movie night out once a long while! Oh, the thrill of sitting in a movie theater surrounded by stranger people who whispered, laughed, burped and farted! What fascination! 

Detached from society...

*** [my rant when I was pissed last night]

I'm absolutely always put off by people (usually my parents' friends or acquaintances) whenever they talk about me with my parents, they are super duper quick, like a lightning, to give my parents advice such as "err, no matter what, she should find some job outside when the children a little older". And as how much you know me now, let's say it together, what would I respond? --> "WHY NOT YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF?!" 

Whatever I prefer to do with my life, is it any of your fucking business??? How much the fuck do you know me and what I do on a daily basis??? Ya, your daughter is doing some startup business, all successful and all that, and what did I say? I admired and respected that, did I ask you "When is your daughter getting a boyfriend? When is your daughter having babies?" I am never that low and insufficient with self-confidence, I am genuinely happy for other people's success, from deep of my heart. 

And you? With low esteem and unkindness, looking down upon people's free will and different life choices and striking them down like you and your kind are the smartest and most "successful" people on the planet. 

I'm always extremely proud of what I choose to do and not do, who I choose to be with and not. First of all, it's none of your fucking people's fucking business, secondly, people are different, don't use your narrow-minded standard to measure everyone and judge everyone, that only shows how small your view and heart is. 

Why I'm so pissed? Because I don't think it's one or two people's thing, but it's a cultural thing! And how the fuck it got to be formed, I have no clue...but I indeed bared through all these years of comments such as "What a waste of her degree and education, eventually just a housewife (who is worthless)..." "being a woman, you should stand up on your feet, find a job outside, or else your husband will surely abandon you" "All of your Xiamen U classmates are somewhat big shot in the finance industry in China, look at you, just a housewife"...

My advice to all of these people? 

1. Be confident and satisfied with what you have, don't go around using the material ruler in your hand to judge and demean people; 

2. Take a chill pill, open your heart and mind, there are many kinds of people in this world who want different things, in their own circumstances, doing their own stuff; 

3. Don't forget to Leave me alone and go Fuck Yourself (maybe a good fuck is what these people need, lord)

Monday, November 8, 2021


老爸莫名其妙很恐慌地講: "我今天看到海外華人網公眾號上面寫的一个新聞,說有一個華裔母親在你們家附近880高速上開車,突然一個子彈從哪裡飛進汽車,她兩歲的孩子被打死了! 你們開高速要小心!" 我一頭冷汗,很想回我父親,忍住沒回嘴: "如果我們死在高速上,99%的可能是汽車相撞出車禍。被飛進汽車的子彈打死,這個概率和流星撞地球的時候直接砸我們頭上一樣小。。" 


了解我真實情況的人(看五分鐘我的油管就知道),再看國內那種洪荒式的慘絕人寰的毫無天理的對印度的抹黑以及對我的完全捏造的人身攻擊,還有人看不懂的嗎??? 要檢查一下自己的智商。。。

我們家附近有一群來美國生活了30,40年的華人老太太,每天在周圍走路,經過我們家門口有碰到都會聊一嘴。今年年初有天在我送女兒出門上學前,幾個好心的婆婆湊近了跟我講: "我給你提出來你不要介意哈,你們最好把門上的中國對聯拿下來,為什麼呢? 因為外國人都恨華人,外國人很壞很兇的,你門上貼个那麼明顯的對聯,黑人啊,墨西哥人啊,印度人啊,白人啊,他們看到後,會破門而入你們家,打砸搶的!" 當時我也是一頭冷汗,原來這些在美國生活了三四十年的老婆婆們,也都逃脫不了微信啊頭條啊抖音之類的洗腦。。。

我把我們家對聯拿下來了嗎?呵呵。。 我們家有被誰"破門而入"嗎? 不要把我笑死。。我們家對聯從二月貼在現在十一月,等明年新年再用新的換舊的下來,永遠都會在,怎麼,有人不爽嗎? 
