Friday, September 24, 2021


Sep 24th

1. America has already countered China on the semiconductor technology, Huawei already lost its value (they are almost out of smartphone chips, and almost out of 5g market), releasing Huawei's princess for the exchange of the two Canadian citizens is America's gesture to Canada and the world. 

2. How clearly it shows what kind of a gangster regime the Chinese government is, holding other countries' citizens as hostages, sentenced innocent citizens to death and 11 years in prison as the punishment to the rival states, as evil as the North Korea regime. On the other hand, this move showed what democratic countries' value is: their common people. 

3. Also you can tell how important Huawei is to the Chinese regime, CCP has never admitted it, but Huawei is truly a state-sponsored Technology Stealing Machine. CCP would do anything to get Huawei's princess back. 

4. Chinese internet went into a manipulated craze because Huawei has always been painted as a National Glory, the pinks regard the Return of Huawei's Princess as a victory of China to the world (my ass).

Chinese propaganda machine made this incident a "huge success" about how China is a strong superpower in this world now: "Because of the strength of CCP and our dear country, they fought over the imperialists (America and his little hitman Canada), Meng didn't even need to plead guilty and was rescued by our country, finally she can embrace her freedom and return to the love of her family. How great our country is!"

[Chinese singing national anthem & welcoming Meng Wan Zhou ( Huawei princess) back home   How much Chinese are brainwashed, this is so disgusting, makes me sick🤮🤮🤮 Meng is a princess of the powerful family, not only they control all the resources, they control all the people too. Whatever Meng's life is about, these ordinary Chinese have nothing to do with. Because of the powerful, ordinary Chinese have no basic rights and always on the edge of being wiped out.... This image is exactly like how the starved-to-death North Koreans worship the Kim dictators. This is one of the saddest things about humans - still so many of us living in the dark age...]

5. I feel the world is getting better at dealing with real evil. And the free world should always remember that when we enter the cave to kill the evil dragon, we can not become the dragon after killing it.

Sep 23rd

1. The forming of CPTPP was a countering tactic initiated by the Obama administration to counter China on their behavior in WTO. After entering WTO in 2002, all China did was finding loopholes in the system, manipulating the rules and doing whatever they want, heavily sponsoring and compensating its state-owned corporations, wiping out rival companies, often wiping out a whole industry or production chain, changing the landscape of WTO.

2. Quitting CPTPP was one of the major failures on world affairs by the Trump administration.

3. Right after the AUKUS alliance, China threw in the application to CPTPP as revenge and a countering move. Right after China threw in the application, Taiwan also threw in its application, backed by America. This year, when Japan is the acting president, is the only chance for Taiwan to get in because next year CCP alliance Singapore will be the acting president. 

4. "I'll take America joining the TPP today over helping to deploy submarines years from now. By then, if America continues to stay out, the CPTPP surely will be renamed again. It will have the same initials but they will stand for the "Chinese People's Trans-Pacific Partnership" - Friedman

5. Finally, the fight is on. 

Sep 22nd

AUKUS and the other alliances in Indo-Pacific are making Australia a military giant in the region, and this is going to play a key role in the battle between the free world and the authoritarian regimes. 

Sep 17th

On "China bans kids from playing online video games during the week"

1. This is what Digital Totalitarian looks like. 

2. Parents were happy that the government is helping them to control their addicted kids, this shows the failure of family education. 

3. With digital totalitarianism, they don't only put hands on your kids, today new regulations came out, restricting Adult online gaming time, every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...hours, gamers are forced to take a rest of 15 minutes. And of course, the control won't be limited to gaming, it would reach each aspect of people's life.

4. Why an authoritarian regime wants to control people's online gaming time? When every year there is 2 million lung cancer death caused by cigarettes (cigarette companies are state-run, a looooot of revenue), every year 200k blinded by fake alcohol, death by the fake vaccines, 200k kids every year kidnapped in China to be sold, and all, the government won't give a shit. Why gaming? Because gaming is a western concept, each game is a story, as well as a fantasy world. When there are stories, there are structures of logic and reasoning, there are ideas of freedom and universal values, this is against brainwashing. Also when real-life sucks people find comfort in fantasy, gaming space could be a place to unite people in misery. 

5. From the beginning, Xi has been tightening the control on the youth - Xi's ideology made into a compulsory subject for Grade one through college; Xi wiped out the online tutoring industry; Xi took out English subject tests from primary school in Shanghai, within years this new rule will be in whole China, kids won't be learning English until from grade seven and up, and many more moves in tightening the control on Chinese youth.

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