Wednesday, September 22, 2021


At last, the mommies of the three first-grade besties have met and exchanged phone numbers. "He/she talks about the other two all the time!" We all laughed. 

S is the girl, the family just moved to our town in July, before this, the south bay. S was born in Munich, Germany, mommy daddy from South Korea. When S was two, they moved to the bay area, daddy works for a tech company as a designer. Her mommy was telling me, S always talks about Shiva, she thinks Shiva is her best friend. She was telling her mother:"Mommy, I think Shiva is the same as me (like a South Korean or East Asian), but he is also different, somehow, I'm not sure..." 

E is the other boy, E's mommy loves K-Dramas and BTS, that's also part of the reason E is super excited about S. They look like Southeast Asians by race, but not recent immigrants like us. Shiva and E were best friends from Kindergarten already, Shiva talked about E all the time. One time Raj forgot to pick him up from school, E and his family waited for him and helped him find his way to the school office to make a phone call. Shiva also keeps talking about E's sister who is in the 3rd grade, nowadays they all play together during recess and lunch. 

I'm just so grateful that the school is open and classes are in-person, the children get to be together, learn together and play together. It only took them a few weeks, even just a few days, to find the persons they like and build friendships with one and another. How natural it is for us humans. 

Whatever I can't have, the feasibility of being with my first love, the possibility of staying in a relationship that ought to last a lifetime, because we fell in love so madly at such a young age, I wish to not take that away from my children. Why do I love all those teen dramas and always cry with them? Because that's something taken away from me, by the society. Nothing is possible when the foundation of the place is always shaking and shifting. Nothing would ever stay fresh if the people never really have the basic rights and freedom and the sense of security, self-worth, and satisfaction. 

They loved to make fun of our 30+ cm height difference and the complete opposite social circles, but all of that seemed so nonexistential today, compared to the huge erect wall between me and that world. I look at them as if they all are victims without any rights, exactly the same how they feel about me, who live in the "devastated outside world". What we had, was sealed and sank, with the time and the once-beautiful hometown, and it would never reappear in the reality that is so torn and shattered. 

"Get a grip mommy!!" oh lord, why do I have to go from one extreme point to another... I don't think Shiva or Aditi is going to "fall in love" with any of their friends anytime soon... lol... just damn happy that they would grow up in a healthy environment where uprooting and running away is not the only option left in life. Cheers!

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