Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Five years ago, I wouldn't imagine there were things in the world that I couldn't eat. Now the list only goes longer and longer. Tea, all kinds of tea, some juice, too much lemon, blend of spices... two years later now, all kinds of dairy products, all, including paneer, cheese, salad dressings, yogurt, all... yogurt?!, coffee, not even a sip. No idea where I am going to be next year, what more delicious food, food that I took for granted would suddenly turn into poison. 

Just came out of endodontist's office, Dr checked, unfortunately, there was no hope to save my fractured  and infected tooth, I am going to lose it. When they said that, sounded like I'm losing something valuable, like a pregnancy or what. "I'm sorry I can't save it." "Ohhh, we are sorry we can't save it." Maybe the severity just didn't hit me yet. Will go back to Dr. M and proceed with extraction, implant, strengthen the implant all that stuff. I always know I am going to suffer with my teeth situation especially when I become old, didn't know implant shall start so soon. 

What can I do, came from a poor country where nobody knew to floss. We didn't even have enough to fill the gaps in between of teeth, floss, are you insane? To this day my parents still don't believe in flossing, no matter how much I tried to convince them, with tedious explanation or intimidation. They weren't used to believe in brushing for goddesses' sake! Before my adult teeth, my baby teeth were all rotten with black holes in the front. Throughout my teens, they encouraged me to not brush whenever they could. I still have some healthy teeth left after all that, I'm resilient like a horse...

Finally after I got out, I have been taking care of my teeth continuously. So many of root canals and crownings done, some of them good work, some of them cheap doctor's cheap work because options were limited when we were poor back then. Now I'm forever stuck in the cycle of fixing, either originals or bad jobs. 

It's just a sign of aging I guess. I always had this notion in mind that the day when I brush down a white hair in the comb, shall be the day I am really aging. That happened just a few days ago. Out of all that hair I brushed down, there was a white one, the first white one came off this way. 

I had never thought about such things, like watching my diet, wearing night guard, dying my hair or a lost tooth. I could still dance till 4am though, just need more time to recover the next few days. 

I think more to the tangible matters, it's about your mentality. How do you take it, especially as a woman, is very crucial to maintain positive and happy. At the end of the day, it's merely a taste of aging, the real eventful days and nights are still on their way. I have my children to watch them grow up, I have my work to keep pumping energy and creativity in, I love to keep teaching music and love to kids in school, I want to write, I want to read and learn, I want to try new things, I want to travel, these are all part of a good setup to help me embrace my way into aging. 

Ya, I am ready.    

Yesterday I posted in Insta about my story in Starbucks, all that drama in the bathroom. I wrote "Working in Starbucks is such a challenge bla bla bla....", then this guy friend of Raj asked me, "I didn't know you work for Starbucks now?" "Oh, my prof is in Europe so I am working in Starbucks this and next week." "Ohh!" I mean what did he think was not important but how did he land to such a thought was very intriguing. Is it because Raj is currently jumping from startups to startups and we even received unemployment funds for some time, or is it because I am constantly this wild, people simply couldn't predict what I'm going to bring to the table the next day so anything is possible with me? Interesting.

And who said I am aging?     

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