Tuesday, August 9, 2022


When there is the existence of dictators, there is no peace for normal people. 

Have never thought war and darkness is too far away, growing up hearing about rumored secret bases of the People's Liberation Army, in my remote hometown Guangze, in my parents' now living city Fuzhou, and in my Uni city Xiamen. Each place has dozens of relatives and hundreds of friends and loved ones. 

But guess what, my heart feels much closer to Taiwan, because of the un-lost Chinese culture and the sweetness in their personality that's exactly like us Fujianers, before the CCP. If I ever allowed myself to grow homesick, that bitter-sweet sentiment should be mostly expressed in a Fujian-Taiwan way. 

"Your parents are playing war hysteria the whole morning!" Husband got super annoyed for the ten minutes he was in the kitchen filling up his coffee mug. 

"How do you think I live under tremendous pressure 24/7? You don't even understand a bit of the language!"

My mom actually tries to peek into some channels and discussions made by the anti-CCP side, unconsciously. But my dad never. As men get older, they lock themselves into smaller, stronger, and darker box after box, until it becomes their coffin. No matter if they are brainwashed by communists or made-up God's evil-intentioned spokespersons. 

My mom always feels embarrassed when she is "caught" listening to anti-CCP stuff, especially in front of my dad. Feels like a traitor I guess. I sincerely have no idea how she truly thinks, all thoughts and comments are automatically blasted out from the explicit structure of brainwashing machinery that is solidly implanted into her deepest consciousness. 

Wars are the evilest expression of humans. Or you could say, wars are the expression of humans' evilest side. 

Some are howling with fists punching in the air, asking for war. Some are devasted by the possibility of it but will fight till their last breath. I am the latter. But who exactly am I? At the end of the day, I am just chopping off my left arm with my right arm and stabbing into my own heart. 

Nobody wins. All that to me, is death and destruction. My death and destruction. 

What-If DC War Game Maps Huge Toll of a Future US-China War Over Taiwan

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