Tuesday, December 14, 2021

On Youtube Defamation and Slander - Dec. 2021


If everything could be done in a finger snap, then, what's the fun of doing anything? "You didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?" So for all the 28 videos that contained my works, 15 of them got deleted within a few hours, I guess it was automatic deletion due to the low views of those videos. The other 13 got sent to review, asking me to reply to the email with details, the more the better, I guess there will be a manual review. 

All the 5 videos didn't contain my work but were solely talking about me, using my real name, they were all about slander and defamation, personal attack. None of the creators deleted the video themselves upon seeing the Privacy Complaint Notice. They were all sent to yb review but till now all the result shows "violation not found". 

I will reply one by one to the 13 copyright infringement videos, try to get them down by copyright. And whatever not taken down from the 13, together with the 5, I will ask my lawyer to contact yb directly, in the name of privacy invasion and slander. 

This might take months, even years, but ya, it would be FUN!!! Good exercises haha... 

Ooopsy, Sorry, I'm a psycho too, I never ever give up....

How it started

What? I just realized, (I just realized!!! what have I been doing before???) I should file a privacy complaint on all those videos that dared to be posted on yb. Completely fake stories, using my videos and images, defaming me. I am doing it one video by one video. If yb doesn't take down those videos, I am gonna ask T to be my lawyer and sue the fuck out of yb.

2 days ago

Submitted 30 Privacy Complaints on completely different videos made by different accounts, 3 (automatically) got approved for privacy violation that went into a 48-hour notice to that account, if they don't respond, then yb will review it. The thing is, only these 3 contained no video or image of me, only talking about me throughout the video. yb asked me to go through the Copyright Infringement channel to complain about the other 27. I'm not happy about it at all, but yes, I am in the process of matching each video with my content and requesting takedown because of copyright violations. Let's see what happens. Since meeting T, I am ready to go any length to take legal actions to protect my rights.

Let's see how many that yb would takedown. 
These ones I filed copyright infringement removal request one by one.

1 day ago

First removal!!! This one has been detected automatically by yb before, this mf used my whole video, look at that length!!! The copyright infringement notice been sitting in my dashboard for gods know how long and I requested removal today, it's taken down after 2 hours. Most of the other videos used a few seconds of many of my different videos throughout their videos. EACH SECOND of my image being used is a Copyright Infringement!!! Who gave you mfs the rights to use any sort of my f* image???? Waiting for Yb to remove them all or wait for my lawyer's notice and we will see you in the court!!

Yup yup, this is what I'm talking about, you use my image a teeny tiny bit of a SECOND, I will ask Yb to take down your video within hours. 




Pretty fast!! I am enjoying seeing all these mf videos being taken down one by one.

Follow up - Dec 15th

Yaaaaaaa!!! u mf, go f y!!!

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