India has more sex slaves than any other country in the world. India's caste system is divided into many subcastes, many of which are tied to a particular job, including prostitution. These women are fated to be prostitues. A girl born to a woman who comes from that part of society where prostitution is traditionally-accepted way of life, she doesn't know how to think anything else, she just accepts it as part of her fate. A lot of things go on in the name of tradition.
The caste system is totally a watertight compartment, you are just born into it, you can't make any movement, generation after generation, all the women in that subcaste become prostitues, and nobody thinks that it's anything unusual or horrendous, or it has to be stopped and challenged. The Indian society has always chosen to look away, nobody wants to see it, nobody wants to do anything about it...
One of the global paradoxes is that countries with the most conservative sexual mores tend to have the most prostitution, these are also countries where women have very little value...
Indian brothels are among the most brutal in the world, one of the things that Indian brothels periodically do that brothels in the other parts of the world don't is they will kill girls there who are uncooperative. As long as the victims are poor, rural, female, illiterate village kids, they are disposable, they don't matter in the system, they don't have a voice.
According to the Central Bureau of Investigation's statistics in India, about 3 million women are trapped in prostitution, of this 1.2 million are children. The average age of entering into prostitution is 9 to 13 years old, and the National Human Right Commission in India is saying that the ages are coming down.
In India trans-generational prostitution is very normal, women prostitues often force their 14-year-old daughters into taking clients because women who are in prostitution have very little ability to make their daughters aspire to be something different, and it's not that the trans-generational prostitution happen because they want to make it happen, but because they have no option, they have no escape...
-- From "Half the Sky" documentary
The caste system is totally a watertight compartment, you are just born into it, you can't make any movement, generation after generation, all the women in that subcaste become prostitues, and nobody thinks that it's anything unusual or horrendous, or it has to be stopped and challenged. The Indian society has always chosen to look away, nobody wants to see it, nobody wants to do anything about it...
One of the global paradoxes is that countries with the most conservative sexual mores tend to have the most prostitution, these are also countries where women have very little value...
Indian brothels are among the most brutal in the world, one of the things that Indian brothels periodically do that brothels in the other parts of the world don't is they will kill girls there who are uncooperative. As long as the victims are poor, rural, female, illiterate village kids, they are disposable, they don't matter in the system, they don't have a voice.
According to the Central Bureau of Investigation's statistics in India, about 3 million women are trapped in prostitution, of this 1.2 million are children. The average age of entering into prostitution is 9 to 13 years old, and the National Human Right Commission in India is saying that the ages are coming down.
In India trans-generational prostitution is very normal, women prostitues often force their 14-year-old daughters into taking clients because women who are in prostitution have very little ability to make their daughters aspire to be something different, and it's not that the trans-generational prostitution happen because they want to make it happen, but because they have no option, they have no escape...
-- From "Half the Sky" documentary
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