"Baby I just had a bad dream, can we talk about it?"
"Bad dream? I'm sorry about it, what did you dream about?"
"It was so vivid... I am scared... You were leaving me..."
"Hmm, what's the setting? Why do you say so?"
"I never had dreams so vivid, felt like it was real. We were sitting in a cafe and talking, you told me that you were in love with someone else and decided to leave me."
"Okay... Did I say anything about the kids? Am I going to leave the kids behind? Do they know about it?"
"I think we will share the custody. I got so scared in the middle of the conversation that I woke up..."
"Lol, you needa calm the heck down bae... I'm going nowhere, not making my kids heartbroken and unattended. They haven't reached puberty and gone to college yet. You think I would make them go through something so fundamentally destructive?? And we have always been in open communication, no? I updated you on whatever I was going through; you know my heart is full of love, and right now, I'm in love with someone else, too. Am I pushing you to open up?"
"Ya, I know. I gave you the freedom to feel what you deserve to feel, you are indeed in love with someone else, and I'm happy for you. But the thing is, there were so many, so many handsome men you met and were available for you, but you were only in love with one. I think that scared me."
"If I have a connection with all of them, it's not that worth cherishing then, no? And bae, you really need to learn more about this new world; in between me staying and leaving this home I built with you, there are a million things people could do to make everyone happy. I'll send Insta videos for you to study, lol!
And remember that the reason for me to leave will never be that I met someone else; it will be because we don't work anymore. We would stop talking and communicating; we would stop caring, adjusting, and sacrificing; we would stop any physical and emotional intimacy. Before I leave, we would be in cold deadlock for years, and you'd wish for me to leave, or you'd leave. But most likely, we would pretend to be in a functional relationship for the sake of our children."
"Hmmm, makes sense..."
"Now you feeling better? And bae, I have to tell you that you are a typical victim of the society humans, or, precisely, men built. This world that is up and running in front of our eyes, where we all grew up and indoctrinated, is fundamentally a men's world. Each corner of our cognition and emotion is dominated by the male perspective. What's the male perspective? You guys, you guys only know two things: one is to conquer and own, and the other is to own up without limitation. On the contrary, I do not feel like owning up to anything; I just want to exist wherever I am, and I want to love and give. My heart is filled with love. Obviously, this is a generalization statement; I'm simplifying it for you to understand."
"A lot of women love to conquer and own too! What are you talking about?"
"Yes bae, keep in mind, we are all born into this world that is dominated by male prospects. All social norms, science and technology that's been created, all education and experiences we walked through, are biased towards you. That's why you rarely would find women who have woken up to their original form or carried enough courage to root themselves down in our world instead of spinning themselves up in your world. Same for men, you have no sense of what a world without ownership would feel like. So many kind men are feeling frustrated with today's world, but you don't exactly know what the outlet is. Truth is, 'our world' doesn't exist yet, and people lack the imagination. You can hardly blame anyone.
You made science and technology the way it is today to maximize your desire to conquer and own, and own infinitely. Science and technology is mainly served to exploit natural resources and enhance your physical ability, how sad right, nature for you is only a 'resource', and you think you, which could be free of disease and the circle of life one day, are beyond nature."
"The insecurity you felt in your 'bad dream', is deeply rooted in the predominant concept of our world - Ownership. You have always felt the sense of owning me, which sits on top of our relationship. Subconsciously, my leaving you triggered the fear of losing me, which is the opposite of owning."
"Noooo, nonsense! It's only about access to you. If you leave, I won't be able to access you anymore or so easily if I share."
"See, ownership of the access to me. Thank you for the denotation."
"But may I present to you, my perspective, a woken woman who dares to be true to her original form? I care nothing about ownership. I don't care about owning you, your love, other men's love, and owning my kids, my place, my things. I also don't care about your will to own me and your kids, your will to own fame and material achievement. I just want to exist in my own way. I care about expressing myself in a way not poisoned by your perspectives. And my expression, is through love. It's always about love. We are born out of love. We are made of love. We breathe in and out love. We touch our surroundings with love. Our purpose of being is to love. Can you imagine how beautiful a world it would be without a fight for ownership, no jealousy, and no disappointment? There is so much love we can provide; there would be no one left behind. Like the bonobos' society, but not the chimpanzees'.
"Hmmm, yes to bonobos but no to chimpanzees, huh? But our natural resource is so scarce, human society was doomed to be like chimpanzees'."
"Yes, precisely. Since we formed farming/hunter and gatherer human society, we have been on the track to the ultimate collective unconscious. It's absolutely too late to reverse it now."
"We are all doomed?"
"Yes, we all are. So you better get back to sleep and stop being so silly. Wake up tomorrow morning and cherish whatever time we still have to enjoy the moment before the AI-human emasculation, or global nuclear explosion, or climate doomsday, or right-wing authoritarian takeover... Lol, it's 3am!!"
"Okay. I love you baby, please don't leave me..."
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