Jan and Feb are going to be good. Last year this time was also my high time working.
Parents arrived in Oct, but Oct was the beginning of a long festival season. Durga puja, Diwali, Halloween, Thanksgiving, winter break/ Holidays... I worked, but not as much as I wanted.
Prof had been traveling also. Only met him several times since Oct. Now finally, he stays in the office, and the next travel will be at the very end of Feb.
I like it a lot when I am not entirely alone in the office. I like to bug prof with questions and then turn them into lengthy discussions, all sorts of random discussions. And it will end up with prof excitedly showing me site traffic analytics and praising how my work gave the site life. Now, we are often at the top of Google searches, especially with new words. I like to look into what's been discussed and create my own selection, and most of them got super hot.
I also like it when I come to the office at least two times a week. I get to go to Funky Yoga two times a week and sometimes even go for the 1.5-hour.
The only thing is that prof likes to boil water repeatedly, without changing to fresh water, because he likes hot water for tea. I am terrified by it, over boiled water has a baaad taste. So whenever I need to use the boiler, I quietly dump everything and refill it with fresh water...
I watched the roses outside my window come and go, bloom and die.
My mom would pack my lunch that she woke up at 5-6am to make, with a variety of fruits. Raj looked at the bag full of fruits and laughed at how spoiled I was. He gets a whole bag of freshly made lunch from my mom, Indian cuisine. He also gets coffee and fruit smoothies made by me, who is more spoiled?
Parents will be going back to China mid Mar. Guess I have approximately two months left to enjoy the chillness of life. It will all go back to chaos and sleeplessness very soon. All I would do the whole day is cook, clean, arrange, wipe, wash, fold, grocery, Uber, nap in the car, and shout at the kids... Don't ask me why I won't be able to write poems or think about anything romantic then. Sometimes, you just can't escape fate...
The rose plants outside my window are getting through winter's tail and ready for spring bloom. The owner of this cluster of restaurants and units tends to the flowers himself, caring for them like his own children. Each plant has a unique name. Prof and I sometimes stood inside our unit and admired the owner's dedication.
If you really love something, you would want them to bloom as much as they could, in their own time, with your endless care and attention. These roses are lucky.
My mom packed dumplings for me today, she made them from scratch. And one apple, one orange, one pear, with some sweet gao she steamed yesterday.
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