Saturday, January 25, 2025

Excited for Funk season!

Funk season is starting. Assignments of round no. 1 had been made even before our 70's Arena Rock show.

Took a close look at my funk assignments during Friday's lesson. Based on my assignments, the directors do treat me like a serious keyboardist. My piano level has been a big plus to all the groups I've been to. The most challenging synth or piano solos were all automatically assigned to me. I never let anyone down with my fingers running fast, firmly, and accurately across the board. 

I'm especially excited about this funk season because it will be a season for breakthroughs. I will gradually root my feet down into being a keyboardist who can perform serious improvisation for contemporary music, transforming from a performative piano player of classics. 

Classics are still my favorite, though. When I need to focus on working, I play classics in the background to relax my mind. Classics get my emotions to the greatest extent. They help me express my sorrows, excitement, and enlightenment in a way no other music can achieve. Some of my best memories were attending symphonies in Vienna and San Francisco; one of my unrealized dreams was attending the New Year's Symphony in Vienna. But ya, as an amateur piano player, I ain't going to join the San Francisco Symphony any day soon.... (>_<!)

Round no. 1 has 5 songs; I am in 4 of them for keyboard and 1 for vocal lead. 

"Back Pocket" by Vulfpeck - I'm the only keyboardist. Clavinet is present throughout, and Clarinet solo at the end. There is a lot of space for improvisation in both the Clavinet and the Clarinet. I plan to get familiar with song forms and the progression of each unit, and then I will add my own expressions throughout. 

"Tell Me Something Good" by Rufus ft Chaka Khan - I'm the only keyboardist for this song too. Will be in charge of the Clavinet. A lot of room for improvisation too!

"I Got The..." by Labi Siffre - I will take up the keys, Lola the string synth. This song has less room for improvisation, I will just memorize the notes, more than half of the song is repetitive tones. Actually I hear trumpet in the latter half, trumpet was not assigned to anyone, most probably was missed out, maybe I can pick that up and put some improvisation in it. 

"Mary Jane" by Rick James - I deal with the synth (string, woodwind and distortion), Lola the keys. Maybe room for improvisation, will see. 

"Flashlight" by Parliament - I'm the lead vocalist. 

None of the songs I've heard before. Even had no idea what Funk was. But Imma sink into the music, dissemble my old self, blend in with all the sounds, and form my new shape!

How exciting! 

My bandmates have been calling me a "musician". I used to reply with rejection, saying I only knew how to play piano by the book, not as a real musician. They kept calling me that, my music directors too. I guess after the Funk season, I can finally allow myself to be called a "musician" then!   

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