"Do you know about this new Google product, Notebooklm? Check this out!... Isn't this amazing? Now, the analysts I hired use this tool to generate reports for me!"
"Okay... Wow... Congratulations... I guess... Sorry that I'm in a completely different world recently, I just don't get excited by these products... You want to know what I'm thinking?"
"Tell me."
"You know humans are going towards self-destruction right? This path is paved by products like this - AI, robotics, neurochips, integration of physical form and data, you name it. Based on my recent meditations (btw, prof started to meditate daily in a facility in Berkeley, I might want to try it out too), this path was laid when human societies gradually shaped into patriarchal structures. It has been a long way, but surely it's coming. We are at the dawn to witness it. The destruction, I mean."
"It is precisely your world, you don't realize it? It is your world, it's not my world. This whole world we are living in is 100% based on male perceptions and experiences. It's formed as how it is wired in male humans' brains."
"I am completely lost in it, don't you see? I'm lost because the languages my brain could use to express myself, the logical patterns there for me to pick up, and the extent of emotions to apply myself to are all based on your brains, not ours. I am lost in your brains! I have no language of myself, I have no logic of myself, I do not know the extent of my emotions."
"And precisely because our societies are based on human males' brains, the future is moving towards even worse detachment from nature, from true connections like human to human physical and emotional connections, human to living being physical and emotional connections, and human to spiritual connections. Eventually, we will all turn into metals with digital data centers. We will exploit other planets and extract more metals to propagate. We will transform into this giant metal empire that ultimately becomes the most significant threat to the universe, to all living things in the universe."
"I am lost, but I am trying to think..."
"What do you think?"
"Re-imagine. Re-imagine a world that is based on our brains. A world is opposite to patriarchy, not precisely matriarchy but not patriarchy."
"What could be different?"
"Some examples?"
"Ya, this is what Imma think for the next long period of time, and write. This gonna be one part of my novel, some kinda a foundation..."
"Obviously, everything is going to be different. It's a parallel reality. For example, the concept of ownership, owning, is not going to be there. Instead, human societies share resources in the most natural way. Private ownership is one of the most significant features of patriarchy. Materials, living things, lands, us women and kids all belong to men, we are all your property. But it doesn't need to be this way. Ownership sits on top of the pyramid; emotions such as jealousy, envy, insecurity, doubt of self-worth, etc, are derived from it; societal realities such as inequality, exploitation, cruelty, indifference, etc, are derived from it. When humans look deep into themselves, they easily find greed, fear, and weakness, which are mainly male human traits! Have you ever tried to imagine if female humans ruled over and when we looked into ourselves, what would we find?"
"What do you think?"
"Deeper connections into ourselves and our existing world, with all living things. There is a loooot to dive into, and Imma recreate a new world in my mind and my sci-fi novel."
"Okay...Thank you for introducing me to the new Google product lol, I'll try it out soon..."
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