Monday, February 17, 2025

Back at it

Back in the streets. More will come.

Being there means something.
Being there and shouting out those nasty names means something.
Being there, holding my words up openly and bravely, means something.
At least 20 people stopped and took a photo of me with my sign,
and gave me a thumbs up.
Some of them are considerate, only took photos of the sign but not my face,
they understood how risky it was for me to stand there openly.
Many asked where I was from.
Women came to chat with me, 
one even made a video recording of me telling my life story,
she thought my message was "The Most Important"...

Got so busy with other enjoyment in life, didn't spend enough time 
participating in China-related activism events.
Last time was attending the yearly commemorating Tibetan Uprising Day march in SF.
Being a Han Chinese but supporting Tibetan people meant something significant for them. 
Wanted to go June 4th commemoration again last year but coudln't.
Anyways, definitely should get back to these meaningful matters.

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