As I write this down, I still feel the goosebumps in my skin.
Lola's story.
During the pandemic lockdown, the four got to know each other. All four were born in 1977 or 1979. They are all Chinese women in America and are all professional healers. They simultaneously felt a strong connection among the four after meeting in person. They sensed something was going on. They decided to go on a spiritual healing trip, and afterward, respectively, they received dreams revealing their past life story and why they were here in this life. Their separated dreams told them the same story. A few hundred years ago in China, they experienced that life-altering event together when they died young, so they came to this life to relive. One of them was a scribe back then, a writer and poet this life too. Hence, she got the entire history record, exact time, location, people, and chain of events. Not all four are close; in that past life, some conflicts existed. Lola is close to one of them, they have become lifelong friends.
This has to be the first encounter in my life that verifies all of what I have been experiencing is real.
I told Lola I was super intrigued and wished to receive one of the spiritual awakening trips with a healer someday. I am curious to learn more about my life here and my connections with people in my life. I told Lola I am on the edge of being connected with the spiritual world(s) and have often experienced some sort of events. The most significant is carrying my two children and bringing them to earth. I am the bridge that brought them here and act as their guardian. They both are deities and came down here for a reason. I received vivid dreams during my pregnancies as messages as to why they were here.
I told Lola that I believed 4am was when spirits would come and find me. I did have encounters like that when I was jetlagged. I had vivid dreams when spirits paid me a visit and left me messages, I woke up suddenly, saw the time, and it was exactly 4am. To which Lola replied, yes, 4am is precisely the time when spirits are the most active and well-connected to our world. 4am is the time monks wake up to connect to the upper world. I had no knowledge about this information before, which also gave me chills.
In this world that I exist in, everything is connected and intertwined. Nothing is for no reason. Dreams are where I sometimes see things: faces, reasons, emotions, and connections. If people have a strong will to be connected with me, and I also have the will at a similar energy level, I can eventually sense it all in my subconsciousness via dreams. I believe when my popo was passing last March, I did use my power to build a bridge to reach her, and she saw me and received my messages.
What happened in past lives is not that important to me unless it explains my connection with people in this life. Some connections are so strong and inexplicable, so sudden too, and oftentimes have something to do with past lives.
Lola told me that I could ask spirits to come and pay me a visit; if I wished to know more, they could tell me via dreams. "But make sure you only ask for benevolent spirits because you could attract anything." I told her I was not afraid because there were many guardians around me, and I always felt protected. "You can ensure the spirits you invite should all pass through your gods and goddesses." "Yes, that's a good idea, I will make it a general rule!" I think it has always been a general rule anyway, when you are protected heavily by deities, you can feel their presence in each of your cells.
People often tell me that I "bring along positive energy". I'm not sure how many really understand "energy"; maybe most of them meant that I am a happy and sunny simple person. But I believe there is something people constantly send out and receive, some sort of vibration. That could be the real presence of the universe, a web to connect everything. Maybe a different tier of existence, not easily accessible to us earthy beings, but it's the determining factor behind everything that's happening here.
Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes, we will have closure; sometimes, we won't. Maybe that's the fun part of being here, but not up there.
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