Friday, December 30, 2022
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
YT post
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
I know
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Finally get a little time to write up something. What a dream, the last 2 weeks, I wish I would never wake up from it. Maybe I never need to, the world changed drastically for Chinese like me, and I will never get back. I will never go back, go back to being fearful, being cautious, being sad and angry. I will keep on fighting, no matter what. Not for myself, but for all the people who are suffering. If I don't fight, then who would help them? I have to fight, I won't give myself choices.
Hurt my knee while skiing, Raj is right now in India traveling. Was thinking how to drop off and pick up the kids to and from school, realized that even though there were so many really close and trustworthy friends, people live fairly far away from each other. The most we arranged Sunny to drop them off every morning, Sunny doesn't pick up his own daughter right after school, so I planned to take Uber to pick mine up. But then on Friday before Raj went to India, I tried out driving Tesla myself, it worked, my knee was absolutely fine.
Leena and Noah are here for two days to cook, clean and take care of the kids for me. Sabrina and Devi will be here tomorrow, bring food for the week and us three girls will chill and drink wine, husbands will clean and watch the kids. I really can't feel more lucky to have all these kind and beautiful women in my life, Leena, Sabrina, Devi... Lol both Sabrina and Devi got hooked up, happily, by us, in our apartment, on our second-hand couch, when we were still wild 20 something. After all these years, none of us changed, always this wild, extremely wild, crazy, truly crazy, meanwhile kind, really kind, generous, genuinely generous, plus hard working and capable. Lol both Sabrina and Devi are PhDs, but I will say, ya, ya, but I work with my professor my whole life! Oh I feel so connected to each one of them... Been thinking about Yanyi a lot, can't wait for her to come back here. Raj and Panda's startup is going really good, they're gonna spend a whole week in India. Maybe it's fated this way because how connected Yanyi and I are! Chantelle and I are connected too, I love her deeply, but ya, it is what it is, I will surely continue to be in her life as a great friend to love and support her. Man I really love all of them so much, maybe I was LGBTQ last life.
A lot people got concerned about my injury. I'm so sorry to put up everything in social media, what can I do, it's just me. I was posting it for fun, nothing else. Then messages came, some were formally greeting, some were... hey, I know, but it was really long time ago when we secretly had a crush on each other, I thought both of us moved on? I guess sometimes we just have to co-exist under the current circumstance. Definitely not only me, but many more people than I could imagine have to continue life with suppressing part of them, deep down. Luckily once I see a happy wife and a beautiful baby, whatever was there that made my heart jump, disappears in a split second, nothing as such would linger. Guess my empathy, love and responsibility to women and children overpowers everything. I should maintain my style of dealing with things I assume, always throw myself out there, never hold back, never hide, never pretend, after trying my best, accepts whatever it comes and, and cast it all away. Move on, never linger, move on, never linger.
Just that I've been feeling guilty I didn't take T with me to the new Wechat account when I knew I would be blocked. We were in good terms, friends who can talk. Now I don't know how to find him. If he knew Raj was so careless with me, he would beat him up good lol, at least take me out for ice cream... Maybe one day he will find me. Maybe one day China will be free and we will have no wall between us any more. Everything is possible now, I am hopeful. And I know I can never go back there anymore as long as CCP stays in power. But I will go back, within my lifetime, to a free China, a brand-new China.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Ready for the Fight
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Cassie & Nina
Forgot how I was completely blown away by this movie. Among all of my favorites, this one stands out, well, like all of my favorites.
Watched again with S, and I could anytime watch it again 10x with any of my girls. First time only to be taken by how the story would go, being poured by that heavy rain all of a sudden. Then a second time, you can see how the filthy ugliness of society and human kind unfolds vividly in front of your face.
After Nina, there was no sanity left anymore, isn't it? We all have our own Nina inside of us, isn't it?
Or let me say this, we all have our own Cassie inside of us, isn't it?
Uh, is it just me then?
They shot you down, twist your wings, unplugged your feathers, you returned back into life out of pure luck and stubbornness, even started growing feathers again.
Does anyone, except myself, get to judge my own way of my regained ability to fly?
Who do they think they are?
Who the fuck do they think they are?
I do not long for being heard, I do not wish to be seen.
I only live for my liberty and freedom.
And my liberty and freedom, doesn't fall from sky like the others.
Not all are that lucky, some of us are born "ugly".
Some of us are born chained and caged, even though flying is all they could think and dream of.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Version 10.0?
Work makes me feel so happy. I think two things pulled me out of the dark cloud of China falling into the abyss: 1. Hindu festivals and friends' gatherings; 2. Work. Actually my family too, Leena is with me being part of the resistance and we are partners for wild dancing and other wild things. Oh, that too, the dashing of unrealized daydream for a red wave, because of women's rights. Red wave against women's rights, how sarcastic. I think the result put me into a few days' ecstasy. Felt relieved, felt blissful, regained some hope, restored some confidence.
Showed my team how Leena and I look when we go silent protest in the Free Speech Square in UC Berkeley; told them never to come close and talk to us if they bump into us. Received heartfelt appreciations to Leena from them, who are all freedom fighters for China, for democracy and for free speech for years and for decades.
Now you think, most of us young ones have been in this for more than a decade now. That's why once I decided to come back this summer, same pure-hearted people, same smiles, we right away picked up the jokes we left almost a decade ago. They are the people I could trust my live with, literally. They know they could trust their lives with me too. So different from some of Raj's business partners, lol. What can I say, when you are in it together for money making, it's a complete alienated universe compared to when you are in it together for fighting for others' rights and freedom.
With newly developed work progress, I think I am upgrading again, into Momo version 10.0. Obviously I am extremely smart, intelligent, well-informed, hard-working plus social, helpful and trustworthy all that leadership skills, who doesn't want to have me in their team? Was I like this before? I think 10 years back I was definitely not this assertive. Much more shy and introverted, self-doubt would play out once a while. Now my mind is as hard as steel, as I blink, I brush aside any possibility of generating thoughts that could contain self-doubt; I affirm myself through calm and in-depth analysis and dissection, in pure objective manner.
I have truly become the comedian of our group. So many things to share with them, some stories I have told uncountable times so when again I am vividly describing, it's immense fun to watch. Never felt comfortable to be the center of attention, always tried to avoid it, but now I found my sweet spot of being the louder one who can make the whole table laugh. If this is not upgrade, then what is?
Over the years, I have earned my place, my own place within myself.
Now I feel it, the social roles you are in determine the level of respect you will get. As a housewife or mother, the level of respect your husband's family and friends are able to provide is ultimately limited. Get that, I have no original family or friends here, every relationship, I earned. Fortunately I have been in serious business before, not only respectful, also earned a lot to help his family getting out of huge debt. Therefore my husband learnt to respect me, in the level which satisfied me. But a 8-year pause is about the right amount of time to exhaust that respect. Not saying it's running thin, at all, but it's really good that I got back. Got back to my own circle, to the people I build partnership with, to the experience that I earn my respect through hard work. And this level of satisfaction can never be replaced by the pride of a mother or the indulgence to a wife from a husband or a lover. Because I am a complete independent entity here, my valid existence does not pertain to someone else, most likely someone who shines in the spotlight and you only belong behind the curtains.
Something to be sure, this upgrade makes me even more open, more brave, more straight-forward, and more confident and assertive. At this point of my life, I can't stop feeling how lucky I am, was, actually. The most important people I made into my life, more than a decade ago, all turned out to be the most open and kind. My husband, my prof, my close teammates, they are all like skies that can stretch to endless, like oceans that disappear into the horizon, for me. The skies and oceans for me to fly and sail. No matter what forms I change into, no matter what degree of emotions I want to explore, they standby, quietly observe, support and love me in their own way.
So version 10.0 it is then. Something worth celebration.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
Monday, November 7, 2022
但是 --
1. 印度半岛各处富饶、历史悠久、多民族多文化,自古就是七大洲五大洋各族外来人口的移民终点站,被称为“世界人种博物馆”,“世界人种大杂烩”;
2. “印度教”是全世界范围内尚存至今的最古老的宗教。与其说是“宗教”,不如说是一种精神层面的思考与存在方式,一种生活方式。在这种生活方式下,鼓励个人寻求其独立的对精神世界的追求;
3. 正是因为“印度教”只是一种生活方式,而不是一个特定的固化的信仰体系,所以在印度半岛,追求精神升华的独立个体自古就被赋予了极大的自由。印度人想信什么就信什么,想怎么信就怎么信。每个人的冥想和瑜珈是他/她在自我世界里的舞蹈,与他/她自己想象的神灵对话。几千年下来印度民间创造了无数的女神、男神、动物神和圣贤人,你把一块石头、一颗树当成自己一生最大的信仰也无妨。多民族多人种多信仰,纷繁交错、共存共生,所以印度文化的至深精髓是多样性与包容性,可谓是全球难得的精神自由之圣土;
4. 中印同是东方文化古国,可比性强。中印自古交流甚多,中国受印度文化极大影响,佛教源自印度等等。
分享几张今年家里庆祝杜迦女神节、财富女神节以及排灯节时的照片Thursday, November 3, 2022
The Iron Curtain Has Fallen - China 2022 October
1. The return of the Iron Curtain
Recently, I often receive phone calls from some old friends in China who have not been in contact with me for many years, telling me that he has finally recovered, and I deeply sighed and sighed. This is a typical scene during this special period. After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the situation in the country drastically deteriorated. At present, China has become an insane madhouse for the Xi family, isolated and unreasonable. In particular, at the conference, Xi Jinping forcibly took away his predecessor and mentor Hu Jintao in full view of the public. Afterward, he led all Xi's cronies to appear in China in full satisfaction, and all kinds of scandals made the world stunned. In our homeland, turbulent currents are rampant now, barbarism is in power, everything went silent, and there are many prisons erected because of the Zero COVID policy.
In view of this, people can't help but think of Germany in 1933, Central and Eastern Europe in 1946, China in 1949, 1962 and 1989, East and West Berlin after the Berlin Wall was erected in 1961, and Hong Kong in 2020, after the National Security Law.
The former British Prime Minister Churchill delivered a speech entitled "Pillar of Peace" at Westminster College in the United States on March 5, 1946, which resounded in Chinese ears: "From Szczecin in the Baltic Sea to Adriatic Trieste, on the Asian Sea, an Iron Curtain across Europe has fallen."
1) Germany: 1933
Familiar scenes flashed across the screen of history: On January 30, 1933, Hitler officially took office as Chancellor of Germany, and Germany entered the Nazi era. On the same day, Einstein and his wife Elsa successfully escaped from Germany and embarked on a trip to visit the United States. Einstein's escape was a major landmark event for the scientific community around the world. As we all know, Germany used to be the most scientifically developed country in the world. In 1933, the year Einstein fled, there were only five people in the United States who won the Nobel Prize in Natural Science. Thirty-one people have won the Nobel Prize, six times as many as in the United States. But after that? The appearance of geotechnical technology is no longer the same.
German philosopher Cassler was equally aware of the Nazis as Einstein. In the spring of 1933, shortly after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, Cassiller said: "I suppose this regime will last ten years, but the evil it inspires may last a hundred and fifty years." On May 2, 1933, the fourth month after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, Cassiller resigned from the position of President of the University of Hamburg and fled Germany in time. He first taught at Oxford University in England, and then went to Sweden and the United States to teach. Died in New York in 1945.
Freud, the founder and thinker of psychoanalysis, lived in Vienna, Austria. When news of the book burning in the Third Reich reached his ears, he said, "They've come a long way! In the Middle Ages, I'd be the one they'd burn, and now they're satisfied with just burning my books." Freud believed that the Nazis would only burn books, not people. But soon, Hitler shattered his illusions. On March 11, 1938, German troops invaded Austria. Fortunately, the international community reached out to him. The U.S. embassy sent a car parked near his home, and once Floyd's life was threatened, the car would intervene and save in the name of the United States. Under international pressure, Nazi Germany agreed to Freud's departure, but he had to pay more than 30,000 marks of "reich evasion tax". On June 4, Freud and his family left Vienna by train and settled in London, England.
Of course, a large number of German citizens and intellectuals were not as lucky as Einstein, Cassiller, and Freud. They stayed in Germany with a bleak fate, many Jews went to concentration camps, and many died, including Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Fritz. Haber et al.
2) China: 1949, 1962, 1989
In 1949, on the eve of the CCP's entry into mainland China, should we leave or stay? China's intellectual elites face a fate similar to that of the German intellectuals in 1933. Hu Shi, Fu Sinian, Qian Mu, Zhang Ailing, Zhang Junmai, Mou Zongsan... left the country. And most of the intellectuals—Chen Yinke, Chen Yuanchu, Anping, Luo Longji, Zhang Bojun, Fu Lei, Laoshe, Zhang Dongsun, Pan Guangdan, Wu Wenzao, Fei Xiaotong, Liang Shuming, Shen Congwen...with a little unease and fear—stayed behind. They never thought that there was blood and tears in front of them, parting life and death, madhouse! Once you slip up, it becomes an eternal regret, and when you look back, it is already a hundred years away. This is especially true for Chen Yinke, Chu Anping, Luo Longji, Zhang Bojun, Fu Lei, Lao She, Zhang Dongsun, Pan Guangdan, and Wu Wenzao. As Pan Guangdan summed up, the fate of intellectuals in communist China has four steps: surrender, give in, live, and die.
The Chinese sages said that "a gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger". Now that the dark night in China has come again, the compatriots and friends on the other side of the ocean, what kind of wisdom will they gain from the bloody history? Is it to do everything possible to flee, over the ocean to a different continent, or bet on a fluke, repeating the mistakes of Chu Anping and Luo Longji, and trapped in death?
1962: Thousands of hungry people in mainland China fled to Hong Kong
1989: The fleeing after the June 4 massacre
[Translated by Google from Chinese]
Zhang Jie: Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - The Great Escape in Xi Jinping's New Era
一、 铁幕再临
最近,我常收到 一些多年未曾联系的国内老朋友从美国打来的电话,告诉我他终于润出来了,唏嘘感叹不已。这是这段特殊时期典型景象。中共二十大后,国是日非。当下,中国变成一座孤绝于世不可理喻的习家疯人院。特别是在大会场上习近平前恭后倨竟在众目睽睽之下强行架走其前任与恩师胡锦涛,之后志得意满率领清一色习氏亲信粉墨登场君临中国后,丑行种种,令全球瞠目结舌。我们的故国,现在浊流横行,野蛮当道,鸦雀无声,清零式的监狱遍地。有鉴于此,人们不由想起了1933年的德国,1946年的中欧和东欧,1949年,1962年和1989年的中国,1961年柏林墙矗立后的东西柏林,以及2020年后被国安法凌驾的香港。
2)中国:1949, 1962, 1989
胡适 傅斯年 钱穆 张爱玲 张君劢 牟宗三……离开了这个国家。
而多数知识人——陈寅恪 陈垣 储安平 罗隆基 章伯钧 傅雷 老舍 张东荪 潘光旦 吴文藻 费孝通 梁漱溟 沈从文……带着略微不安和惶恐——留下来了, 他们何曾想到,前面竟是是血泪交织,生离死别的疯人院!一失足成千古恨,再回头已是百年身。特别是对陈寅恪 储安平 罗隆基 章伯钧 傅雷 老舍 张东荪 潘光旦 吴文藻而言,更是如此。诚如潘光旦所总结的,知识人命运在共产中国有四步曲: 投降、屈服、活命、死亡。
1962年: 中国大陆千千万万饥民的逃港潮,灾民饥民的大逃亡
Foresight: Xi Jinping's Socialist Utopia
[translated by Google from Chinese]
Capital Market Background
The concept of domestic supply and marketing cooperatives continues to ferment. The concept stocks of supply and marketing cooperatives continued to rise. The concept stocks of A-share supply and marketing cooperatives rose for five consecutive days, an increase of 10%. The shareholders after the skyrocketing listed company are all supply and marketing cooperatives: Anhui Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Zhejiang Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association, Shandong Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and China National Supply and Marketing Cooperative.
Supply and Marketing Cooperative
The operating platform of "All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives" is "China Supply and Marketing Group". "China Supply and Marketing Group" was established with the approval of the State Council in January 2010, with total assets of 150 billion RMB, 11 holding companies, and 3 listed companies. In 2021, the revenue will be 96 billion RMB, ranking 83rd among China's top 500 companies and 31st among China's top 500 service companies.
On January 23, 2022, the "All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives" held the seventh council. The council mentioned the data in 2021: the supply and marketing system has reached a record high, and the sales in 2021 will be 62.6k billion RMB, an increase of 19% over the same period. , the products are agricultural products, daily necessities, logistics, etc. This sales is equivalent to 7% of total retail sales nationwide in 2021. The total retail sales in Beijing in 2021 is 15k billion RMB, and the sales volume of supply and marketing cooperatives is 4.2 times that.
The business of supply and marketing cooperatives across the country has been launched on a large scale, which is the basis for Xi Jinping to pursue socialism.
The Hubei Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative Headquarters has launched a "basic-level cooperative restoration and reconstruction project" - "basic-level cooperatives" are the supply and marketing cooperatives directly facing farmers below the county, and the supply and marketing cooperatives built directly in the villages. At present, there are 450k members of Hubei grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives, which has increased by 5 times in 5 years.
The current supply and marketing cooperative is no longer a concept in the past. The current supply and marketing cooperative: 1. Sufficient capital and strong strength; 2. Cross-border operation and monopoly; 3. Lay the foundation for unified purchase and sales.
Supply and marketing cooperatives are one of the foundations of the planned economy. China's planning system absolutely divides the country into urban and rural areas: the cities are the state-owned economy and state-owned enterprises; the countryside is the collective economy. Among them, there are two major parts of the collective economy in rural areas, one is collectively owned by land and means of production, and the other is called production materials, living materials and agricultural products, which are purchased and sold in a unified manner. The executive department of "unified purchase and sales" is called the supply and marketing cooperative, referred to as the supply and marketing cooperative, which is responsible for the purchase, production and living materials of agricultural products in the entire rural area. That is, not only pesticides and fertilizers, but also the entire living materials for food and clothing are responsible for it. The supply and marketing cooperative is a very core and very mainstream supply channel.
After the reform and opening up in 1980, supply and marketing cooperatives lost their monopoly on distribution channels and were gradually replaced by grain merchants and canteens. In 1982, the organization reformed, the National Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association and the Ministry of Commerce merged, but the brand "National Supply and Marketing Cooperative Association" and the original team were retained.
At the end of 2012, Xi Jinping came to power, and the No. 1 Central Document in 2013 clearly stated: the important role of supporting supply and marketing cooperatives in the circulation of agricultural products. So supply and marketing cooperatives are not just starting to happen now, Xi Jinping has already started doing them. The supply and marketing cooperatives have been written into the government work report of the Central No. 1 document for many times, and have received a large and continuous investment of government funds.
The 2018 Central Document No. 1 clearly stated: comprehensively deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, and support supply and marketing, postal services and various enterprises to extend service outlets to rural areas.
The No. 1 Central Document in 2021 clearly stated that the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives should integrate production, supply and marketing, and credit. Not only engage in production, but also engage in supply and marketing and credit, credit is finance. Beginning in July 2021, in Northeast China, North China, East China, Central South, Northwest China, Southwest China, and various districts across the country will select Nuogan Province as a pilot project for the trinity of production, supply, marketing and credit for a period of two years.
In January 2022, the seventh council said: In 2021, the National Supply and Marketing Federation will have a development fund, 30 million RMB, to transform 60 grass-roots societies, transform 2,892 weak grass-roots societies, and rural comprehensive service societies have developed Arrived at 470k home. In 2022, it will focus on building 100 counties with strong circulation services, building 1,000 comprehensive supermarkets in townships and villages, transforming 10k comprehensive service cooperatives in rural areas, transforming 2,000 weak grass-roots cooperatives, and building 1,000 grass-roots demonstration cooperatives with sound systems.
Rural Cooperative
At the same time as the supply and marketing cooperatives, agricultural cooperatives are also recovering on a large scale, but the actual results are not so many. Together, the supply and marketing cooperatives and agricultural cooperatives, Xi Jinping's socialist transformation in the countryside has completed 70-80%.
Urban Socialist Transformation / Big Canteen
In cities, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Civil Affairs jointly issued a notice to the provinces on October 31, 2022: Notice on Launching "Complete Community Construction Pilot Work". Every city in every province in the country is required to take three to five communities to carry out a "complete community construction pilot", starting in October 2022 for a period of two years. What is a "complete community"? That is, community comprehensive service facilities, providing one-stop services for local residents. Services include: kindergarten, elderly service, convenience store, vegetable market, canteen, mail, barber shop, laundry, pharmacy, maintenance shop, housekeeping service, etc., a very complete community service. Then coordinate several "complete communities" to build a block, which is equipped with primary and secondary schools, nursing homes, and community hospitals, and provides public services within the scope of a 15-minute living circle.
After the entire community service is completed, a complete internal cycle can be realized. As soon as the gate of the community is closed, the Chinese return to the previous "unit" system. In the past, units were divided according to workplaces, but now they are divided according to living quarters. China's market-oriented reform is to eliminate the social services of units, because each unit provides social services by itself, which is costly, inefficient and costly. Now use the complete community as a package to restore social services to the previous model: before, the work unit provided social services by itself, and now the government provides social services in a unified manner. This is the return of the planned economic system that matches the supply and marketing cooperatives.
But the current so-called reversion is not a simple repetition, because the government now holds the wealth accumulated by the Chinese people in the past 40 years, plus digital totalitarian tools, plus the resources of the modern enterprise management system and the modern capital market , so the CCP is more confident in socialism than it was forty years ago.
This is why Xi Jinping is engaged in socialism, because the economic conditions were not enough 40 years ago, but now he has whatever he wants and there are abundant resources. But he forgot one of the most fundamental economic laws: the essence of society is to eliminate the generation mechanism of wealth. Socialism does not generate wealth. In the end, it can only be deceitful and cannot last. After the wealth on hand is exhausted, it will start to starve.
Hebei requires cities to build at least 50 "nutritious and healthy restaurants" this year, state-run "nutritious and healthy restaurants." It also requires that by 2025, at least 500 restaurants should be built in each city and no less than 5,000 restaurants in the whole province. This is the people's commune canteen. When the people's commune canteen came, the great famine was not far away.
Elimination of Private Enterprise / "Mixed Ownership Reform"
In addition to supply and marketing cooperatives, canteens, private enterprises can not escape. Latest news: On October 18, the Second Division of Anti-Monopoly Law Enforcement of the State Administration of Market Supervision approved China Unicom and Tencent to establish a joint venture to engage in content distribution network and edge computing business: China Unicom holds 48%, Tencent holds 42%, and employees hold 10% %, which is basically China Unicom Holdings. Stimulated by the news, China Unicom's shares rose 1.2%, while Tencent's shares rose 1.4%. Why should the anti-monopoly department approve the joint venture between China Unicom and Tencent? In the content distribution network, China Unicom has only 5% of the market share, Tencent has only 10% of the market share, and edge computing Tencent has only 5% of the market share, which is far from a market monopoly. Neither is involved in monopolistic behavior, and there is no reason for approval. Approval means attaching importance to it, and it also means that no one can participate in this field, only this one can.
The official media previously defined this joint venture project as a "mixed reform", but later someone came out to explain that it was not a "mixed reform". What is "mixed ownership reform", the full name is "mixed ownership reform", that is, an advanced form of state-owned enterprise reform. The reform of state-owned enterprises is part of the reform of China's economic system, and it was pushed to a climax by Zhu Rongji, but Zhu Rongji later found that state-owned enterprises could not be reformed because state-owned enterprises were neither birds nor beasts. If it is simply an enterprise, it is not difficult to reform according to the characteristics of the enterprise, even if it is simply a government department to carry out institutional reform. SOEs are neither government agencies nor corporations, but a hybrid. Zhu Rongji saw that the state-owned enterprises could not be changed, so what should we do? In Wen Jiabao's hands, he couldn't change it, because Wen Jiabao had no idea.
During the period of Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping did not think that state-owned enterprises had any problems and did not need reform at all, so the content of the reform of state-owned enterprises became to solve the problems of other enterprises. Other enterprises include foreign-funded enterprises. Foreign enterprises cannot move, and the rest are private enterprises. Therefore, the reform of state-owned enterprises has become a "mixed ownership reform" in Xi Jinping's hands, that is, a mixture of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, and private enterprises are mixed with state-owned enterprises. If private companies have money but no technology, let private companies invest in state-owned companies. A typical example: Huiyuan Juice invested in a company of PetroChina. The owner of Huiyuan Juice felt that there was a bargain and invested 3 billion RMB to PetroChina. Huiyuan Juice's profit is very thin, but its cash flow is huge. Previously, Coca-Cola wanted to buy Huiyuan Juice, but the government did not allow Huiyuan Juice to sell, so it failed to sell. I voted for PetroChina, thinking that PetroChina could go public, but it couldn't be listed, and Huiyuan Juice was dragged down like this.
Therefore, mixing private enterprises with state-owned enterprises is basically killing them. China Unicom and Tencent are cooperating, but Tencent has no choice. It can be said that the purpose of the "mixed-ownership reform" is, first, to seize the money of private enterprises. Private enterprises themselves do not have much money. If the money is invested in state-owned enterprises, it is very difficult for private enterprises to expand themselves; second, to seize the boss. The end result is that the bosses of private companies cannot escape.
Therefore, "mixed-ownership reform" is the "public-private partnership" in the new era. Times have changed, and the form has changed, but the goal has not changed, that is, to eliminate private enterprises through transformation.
Socialist Utopia
Briefly summarize Xi Jinping's vision of a socialist utopia:
1. Rural areas: Supply and marketing cooperatives and agricultural cooperatives become the basic framework of the collective economy, and then carry out the reform of intensive production. Combining these three things, the socialist restoration of the countryside will be basically completed. Xi Jinping has completed 70-80%, and only 20-30% needs to be done.
2. Cities: The most important in cities is the primary industry, which includes raw materials and infrastructure. As soon as Xi Jinping came to power, Liu He helped him implement "supply-side reforms". The "supply-side reform" was initiated by Wen Jiabao's 4k billion RMB stimulus plan. At that time, after the 4k billion RMB economic stimulus came up, the demand soared, so various places built raw material supply production - steel mills, cement plants, non-ferrous metal plants, etc. After Xi Jinping came to power, the demand waned because the 4k billion RMB was almost spent. As demand declines, what about the previously built raw material supply factories? Therefore, Liu He's "supply-side reform" began to eliminate backward production capacity. What is backward production capacity? All private enterprises are classified as backward production capacity and eliminated in the "supply-side reform". Therefore, in the primary industry, there are very few private enterprises, accounting for a very small proportion, which is basically a monopoly of state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises monopolize the supply of raw materials for the primary industry and monopolize infrastructure, including energy, transportation, water and electricity.
In the financial industry and capital market, foreign capital has always been restricted to a very small space, and the financial industry and capital market have always been basically dominated by state-owned enterprises. In the real estate industry, after this macro-control, basically there are only state-owned enterprises left, which is the world of state-owned enterprises.
Therefore, the primary industry, the real estate market, the financial industry, and the capital market are all owned by state-owned enterprises, while private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises only have a small share.
Let’s look at the tertiary industry, namely small and medium-sized enterprises, catering, various social services, etc. Through the social transformation of “complete community building”, private enterprises in the tertiary industry will be completely eliminated and replaced by state-owned enterprises.
The core of the rest is the manufacturing industry. The manufacturing industry is mainly export. The marketing of export is maintained by private enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. However, the upstream of the manufacturing industry is the raw materials, and the raw materials are all controlled by the state-owned enterprises, so the manufacturing industry can be easily controlled.
3. Regime: Using guns, pens, knives, and digital totalitarian tools, the regime is highly concentrated in the hands of the CCP, and the regime of the CCP is highly concentrated in the hands of Xi Jinping.
4. Internal and external policies: conduct comprehensive ideological confrontation with foreign countries, but open up capital markets and industrial markets conditionally, allowing Western capital, technology and management to come in. Complete personal control within.
This utopia is essentially a dictator's paradise, a people's hell, and will eventually evolve into a great famine.
Keep in mind that the essence of socialism is to eliminate the generation mechanism of social wealth. Failure to produce wealth will inevitably lead to poverty. The essence of socialist utopia is to spend all the wealth created and saved in the past forty years, and then there is no wealth generation mechanism. In the old cafeteria, there was no money to eat. Everyone was happy at first, but after all the food in the commune was eaten up, the result was a great famine.
“中華全國供銷合作總社”的運營平台是“中國供銷集團”。“中國供銷集團” 2010年1月國務院批准成立,總資產 150 billion RMB,11家控股公司,控制3家上市公司。2021年營收為 96 billion RMB,在中國500強企業排第83,在中國服務業500強企業排第31。
2022年1月23日“中華全國供銷合作總社”開第七屆理事會,理事會提到2021年的數據:供銷全系統創歷史新高,2021年銷售額 62.6k billion RMB,同期增長19%,產品為農產品、日用品、物流等。此銷售額相當於2021年全國零售總額的 7%。北京市2021年零售總額為 15k billion RMB,供銷社銷售量為其 4.2 倍。
湖北省供銷合作總社搞了一個“基層社恢復重建工程” - “基層社”即縣以下直接面對農民的供銷社,直接建在村里的供銷社。目前湖北基層供銷社成員 450k,5年漲了5倍。
2022年1月第七屆理事會上說到:2021年全國供銷總社有一個發展基金,30 millon RMB,對60個基層社的改造,改造各地薄弱基層社 2892 家,農村綜合服務社已經發展到了 470k 家。2022年重點打造 100 個流通服務強縣,建設鄉鎮綜合超市 1000 家,改造農村綜合服務社 10k 家, 改造 2000 家薄弱的基層社,打造 1000 家制度健全的基層示範社。
城市社會主義改造 / 大食堂
河北要求今年各個市至少要建 50 家“營養健康餐廳”,國營的“營養健康餐廳”。並要求到2025年每個城市至少要建不少於 500 家,全省不少於 5000 家大食堂。這就是人民公社大食堂。當人民公社大食堂來的時候,大飢荒就不遠了。
消滅私營企業 / “混合所有制改革”
除了供銷社、大食堂,私營企業也逃不過。最新消息:國家市場監督總局反壟斷執法二司10月18號批准聯通和騰訊成立一家合資公司,從事內容分發網絡和邊緣計算業務:聯通持股48%,騰訊持股42%,員工持股10%,基本上就是聯通控股。受消息刺激,聯通股價升 1.2%,騰訊股價升 1.4%。聯通和騰訊合資,為什麼要反壟斷部門審批?在內容分發網絡,聯通只占5%的市場份額,騰訊只占 10%的市場份額,邊緣計算騰訊只占 5%市場份額,離市場壟斷差得遠了。兩家都不涉及壟斷行為,沒有理由審批。審批即表示重視,也表示這個領域誰都無法參與,只有這家可以。
等到了習近平時期,習近平根本不覺得國企有任何問題,根本不需要改革,所以國企改革的內容就變成了解決其它企業的問題。其它企業包括外資企業,外國人的企業那動不了,剩下的就是私營企業。於是國企改革在習近平手裡就變成了“混合所有制改革”,也就是讓國企和私企混合,私企跟著國企混。如果私企有錢沒技術,就讓私企投資給國企。典型的例子:匯源果汁投資給中石油的一家企業,匯源果汁的老闆覺得有便宜可撿,投了3 billion RMB給中石油。匯源果汁其實利潤很薄,但其現金流很大。之前可口可樂想收購匯源果汁,但是政府不讓匯源果汁賣,所以沒賣成。投給中石油,以為中石油可以上市,後來上不了市,匯源果汁就這樣被拖垮。
1. 農村:供銷社與農業合作社成為集體經濟的基本框架,再進行集約化生產的改革。這三樣東西結合起來,農村的社會主義復歸就基本完成。習近平已經完成七、八成,只剩下二、三成需要去做。
2. 城市:城市裡最重要的為第一產業,第一產業包括原材料和基礎設施。習近平一上台,劉鶴就幫他推行了“供給側改革”。“供給側改革”起因為溫家寶推行的 4k billion RMB 刺激經濟計劃。當時 4k billion RMB 經濟刺激上來之後,需求暴漲,於是各地興建原材料供應產 - 鋼廠、水泥廠、有色金屬廠等等。到了習近平上台之後,需求減退,因為 4k billion RMB 基本快花完了。需求減退,那之前興建的原材料供應廠廠怎麼辦?於是就開始劉鶴的“供給側改革”,開始淘汰落後產能。什麼是落後產能,所有私營企業都被劃歸為落後產能,在“供給側改革”中被淘汰掉了。 所以在第一產業裡,私營企業非常少,占比極小,基本上是國企壟斷。國企壟斷了第一產業的原材料供應,壟斷了基礎設施,包括能源、交通、水電。
3. 政權:利用槍桿子、筆桿子、刀把子,加上數字極權工具,政權高度集中在中共手裡,而中共的政權高度集中在習近平手裡。
4. 內外政策:對外國進行意識形態全面對抗,但在資本市場和產業市場進行有條件開放,讓西方的資本、技術和管理進來。對內進行完整的人身控制。
[文字內容由 王劍每日觀察:習近平餞行的社會主義烏托邦/20221102 視頻內容整理所得]
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Tooth Fairy
My daughter lost her 2nd tooth yesterday, which set her into a fever pitch, excited about if the tooth fairy would come. I had no idea about this tooth fairy deal, hence I placed an orange and some plastic cutlery under their pillows for their first teeth. Then I asked around to find out the kids usually get money.
She didn't allow me to sleep with her last night because that could stop the fairy from coming. Usually, she cries and cries and cries so she could get me to lie down with her while falling asleep. Then midnight she screamed for me because she needed to use the toilet. When done, she asked me to Not stay with her, that definitely never happened before because she's extremely scared of dark. I kept reminding myself to put the stuff under her pillow and then went back to my bed.
At 6:30am, my son woke up to use the toilet, he yelled and woke me up too. At first, I was not sure what dimensions I was at, but then I ran, luckily I had my robe on. I ran downstairs to get a 5-dollar note and a candy, then ran up to slide them under my daughter's pillow, right before my son finished his business in the bathroom and back in the room to help his sister check. When my daughter got to know the stuff the tooth fairy gave her, she jumped into our bed to tell us this news, at 6:40am. My son verified that the note was not a toy note but a real one issued by Federal Reserve Bank.
Then my children brushed their teeth, and quietly cleaned up their room, folding beddings and arranging pillows. As I was reminding them: "See, some being is indeed watching you closely the whole time, knowing exactly what's happening to you. I can't believe the money is real. Why is no one giving mommy some cash under mommy pillow. You better do your own chores, no arguing and fighting but help each other out, or else..." "But I lost 4 teeth already." "Oh, is it because you fought with your sister so the fairy didn't give you money? Or is it because you are always playing around instead of cleaning up?" "No, it's because I never put my teeth under my pillow." "Oh, then you put them all out tonight, but remember to tell fairy about it, just like how we talk to Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Kali and all. Then fairy will come and make it up to you." "Okay..." Then they went ahead to breakfast and school in ecstasy and delirium.....
Ain't kids the best gifts parents could get?! 🥰
So my son did tell the tooth fairy that he's gonna put all 4 of his lost teeth tonight under his pillow, and both my son and daughter really believe in the tooth fairy. I mean kids are so strange, we indeed do puja for all the Goddesses and Gods during festivals, and we indeed go to the temple once or twice a year, but we also told them all religions are merely science fictions, people imagined all of them up. Different people in different geographic and cultural backgrounds, at different times, imagined different kinds of stories. But they still would believe the tooth fairy really came and gave them money and stuff! Duh!
I'm only gonna give my son 15 dollars for his 4 teeth because guess what, that first one I already dealt with. No double sales. When he asks tomorrow morning, I will say: "Well, I guess your fairy was an accountant before..." I asked my daughter today, "Where is your tooth then?" She told me the fairy took it. I was right away discreetly putting my arm under her pillows, trying to find that little tooth of her. Most probably it fell under the bed...
So I took my son's 4 teeth out after placing 15 dollars and a big candy bar under his pillow. I was holding the teeth in my palm and asking my husband:" What we gonna do with these?!" "Throw them in the trash." "What?! NO! He kept so well for so long, in that little blue teeth box from the dentist, even took them out for our guests to see!" Eventually, we dug a hold in our strawberry field, buried all 4 in the soil, and hoped to see a teeth tree grow out of it. We are still trying to locate my daughter's missing tooth...
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Leena ♥
It is really hard work, I had sweat dribbling on my face, my back, and my ass. It was difficult to breathe under the n95 mask and my glasses under my sunglasses gave me a headache. For the whole time when we were on campus, I was trying to shake off the feeling that "what morons we must look like" and convince myself that "we had no individual identity but only a message we had the audacity to show to the world".
Without Leena, I would never be able to do it. When I was barely putting myself together, and trying very hard not to act down but up. Leena was super strong and tactical. She wasn't able to wrap her head around herself, but she was able to come up with surprisingly firm and encouraging comments such as "It's our first day. We are only trying out, and we will keep trying and find which is the best place and best time. We should come at the proximately fixed time each weekend, in the same best spot..." The other times I tried to lighten up the mood by talking serious nonsense mostly I couldn't understand myself, she knew I didn't know what I was talking about, also we didn't want anyone to hear our voices, so we were in silence for the longest time.
As usual, I was very scared that this is just a one-time thing so I didn't want to set any expectations. It's a lot to ask, no? It's not her country, not her people, not her life. On the contrary, it's really hard work, walking around in that heavy disguise and standing in the sun for hours holding up the banner, to no one, to people who couldn't care less, or to something unpredictable. There were Chinese kids who knew exactly what it was and laughed in our faces like it was too funny a joke. But she did all this for me.
I couldn't stop ridiculing myself in my own head, however, I dare not share it out loud, not sure how it was gonna affect her. I was worried that it was too hot or too tiring for her so I kept asking if she was okay. I wanted to try out different places but I was not sure if she was on board. And then we were holding that long banner, walked down a mile to a place with nobody, stood there for a while to nobody. Then again walked up a mile, found the most ridiculous spot where kids lying on the grass or eating snacks, stood there for 20 more minutes and were laughed at by more kids. It was good to try out, but she did all that for me.
Then on the way back to her car we parked streets away, we couldn't stop ourselves from cracking up. How ridiculous we looked, an Afro-man with lady boots who adopted a new way of walking with a limping leg; next to a short curly hair kid carrying a backpack who was trying to walk like a fat but jumpy Latino man. Luckily it was Halloween so nobody thought to call the police about two suspicious potential bank robbers.
We couldn't stop laughing on the car ride back home, tears all over my sweaty face and big hair. How typical of us, when we are together, we are forever unbelievably fun. Nobody else shall be able to understand.
Then Raj called, asking where we were, the four of them were on campus and looking for us. How dare they! All that efforts to conceal our true identities, how dare they tried to bring the kids near us and break all that we built! Should we have a family group photo together then, with the banner? For Goddesses' sake, we tried to look like some campus kids who had no clue about family and kids!
I really wish Leena won't back out and will be in the mood to continue being by my side for this ridiculousness. And deep down I know she feels my sadness and will do whatever helps me ease my pain. Leena is my protector who has a priceless pure and golden heart. ♥
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Hit the street
It's indeed a very sad moment for South Korea. Usually developed countries don't know much about it, it's only associated with "poor, crowded, dirty, and backward" places like India, and "inferior, filthy, uneducated, barefoot Indians' lives don't regard to be as worthy as rich countries' fair citizens". Just the way how this world was and is.
The stampede, there is always something that triggers it. Once the wave starts, it won't be able to be stopped. People got dragged in and pushed down in the wave, never able to get up and get out. Most of them suffocate to death.
Chatted with J, she thanked me to comfort her during such a sad moment. They all are in mourning, and Halloween celebrations were abruptly canceled among friends and families. "A lot of bright young lives were suddenly taken..."
I know. Precisely because I know how it feels, I know how important is to have people who understand and feel for it, and how important is to have people who are willing to feel for it with you. I wish there were more people around me who feel the same despair for my country. But I've walked so far so alone, I am used to the loneliness. And I never really have expectations for anyone. I try hard to make my life here count, try to make other people laugh, and do everything for them. But deep down, I can never stop the feeling of being left all alone in this universe.
But I also developed my tactics to cope. Without the shame of disturbing others, I relentlessly share whatever information I consider relevant with them; and without the excitement of being seen and liked, I headstrongly speak up for whatever I consider vital. I know most of them don't really care and I know most people can't stand a person who expresses oneself like how I do. It's never loveable or pleasant, especially when you are a woman. Nevertheless, I solely can't pretend to be anything else.
At least I have Leena to go to the street with me. No matter how strangely and immensely different Leena and I think, we always find that weird way to be with each other, support each other and love each other. Brushing off the discomfort that pops up once in a while due to our unignorable differences. At least both of us are completely transparent, never holding back or hiding. Whatever people can see is whoever we are. Both of us are so hot-tempered and headstrong, exactly like firecrackers. The difference is I've been groomed to be polite and compliant throughout my childhood, so I can easily maintain a good stance on the surface. If the affair is nonconsequential, I have the "wiping out mechanism" to forget all about it, only exploding on matters that are deemed pronounced. On contrary, Leena sprints on all. Lol, anyways, just different mechanisms to cope with living in this miserable world...
All of a sudden, Raj is moving on fast to the project with P. I do not understand how the world could shift within an unnoticeable moment, the same way I do not understand why the world stays indecipherable for most of us' longest duration of being. I do not understand, so I do understand. I do understand, so I do not understand.
Nobody knows what's coming for them at any given moment, not even when things were long gone. It's only that imperceptible longing as if you might be not alone, not left alone.
At least I have Leena to go to the street with me.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Darkness is Never Too Far Away
Sunday, October 23, 2022
I know humans are weak, we turn to succumb to authority, be it an authoritarian ruler/strongman or an authoritarian religion/ideology; we incline to be selfish and shortsighted, easily giving up long-term freedom for the benefit in front of eyes; and we can surrender to fear, hatred or any kind of phobias without putting up a good fight or thought... But deep down in each one of our hearts, we have never stopped longing for light, and longing for love. May the victory of light shine on the brave ones who fought hard for it, may the victory of light can also shine on the ones who still live in the endless darkness, one day. 🙏
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Supreme Dictator
The other shoe has fallen, Xi has overwhelmingly defeated all political rivals, successfully consolidated the highest possible absolute power as a supreme dictator, to a degree as nobody has anticipated or imagined. China now officially leaps from system authoritarianism to dictator authoritarianism. Hence China will now race into the worst possible path people ever imagined. There's only darkness left there. The next ten years are gonna be dark for the whole world.
Now the last breath of hope has vanished. We had been anxiously waiting for that miracle to drop. A miracle that the sure-to-be emperor won't take full control of the party, therefore economic reform and a certain degree of diplomatic openness could still find their place, as the result of political struggle and power balance. Now with absolute power, he is allowed to do whatever he wishes, and he will apply whatever his mind thinks is logical or viable to the powerless people.
In the 41 years when Mao was in absolute power, there were famines that one of which killed 40 million, uncountable purges and class struggle to wipe out entire classes and clans, and a decade-long Cultural Revolution washed away thousands of years of culture and civilization, only to leave fear, shame, and oblivion deep down in people's hearts and minds. The only way to make it stop was to wait for the dictator's death. As of today, we have officially arrived at another beginning of decades-long suffering, with a dictator that is even redder and crueler than the previous one.
I cried like crazy for a few minutes, then I abruptly stopped and just couldn't continue anymore. I was not able to cry for days and weeks. I somehow, out of a sudden lost my capability to express my fear or complex emotions. My world has sunk. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep no more. I carried on in my daily life robotically and emotionlessly. I only have been trying to make my kids and kids in my classes and teams laugh, like a job, like my duty, but I haven't really laughed or smiled for nobody knows how long.
None of my people have gotten out. And it's clear as the day to me now, there is no future left for any of them inside. I mean how can anyone, if they are not crazy in the mind, promptly leave whatever they have behind and go to a place they can't even understand a word. And there was no way to get passports, no way to get visas, and no way to physically get out for the past three years. Onward, all aspects imaginable only will be harder. And do I ever dare to go back there anymore? I will be risking my entire disappearance and nobody will give a fuck or be able to give a fuck. My world and their world, hence are forever parted and pacing in opposite directions. Most probably last time when I saw them in China, would be the last time in decades.
My heart bleeds for my baby cousin brothers and sisters, there is no prosperity left on their way to achieving financial security, and there is no protection left for their most fundamental rights as decent human beings. In the same way, my heart bleeds for all the young people struggling in there, barely to survive. And the hundreds of millions of poor, basic living will only be harder as the dictator wishes to go full-on communism and collectivism. More and more tragedies will occur, and more and more brutal death will break out. Our lives have never been more valuable than ants since the beginning of Chinese empires, have we?
I don't know how to cry anymore.
I did cry at the end, in spite of being emotionlessly numb for days.Friday, October 21, 2022
American Constitution and Religious Freedom -- Fintan O’Toole: Is America's democracy under threat? (1)
In Mr. O'Toole's eyes, as an outsider to America, there are concerning factors that might pose threat to America's democracy (I kill for great writers' perspectives on current politics thus making this summary for myself).
1. One of the most constitutive aspects of the creation of America, as well as has been taken for granted and increasingly threatened, was the separation of church and state. This Jeffersonian idea of "nobody could be free if there was a state church" constructed America's religious plurality. And this was one of the most radical, admirable, and important statements that were written in the American constitution. This statement was not an anti-religion statement, on the contrary, it was a guarantor of religious freedom.
The American constitution was written in the 18th century, it was in its time such an extraordinary and inspiring document, therefore we find it difficult to think of it other than a sacred text. Statements such as taking religion out of the state were not only a brilliant political construct for the creation of the United States, but also were fundamental statements about the human condition and about how human beings can interact freely with each other. However, because it has been viewed as a holy writ, rather than a historical and political construct from a specific time, there is a natural tendency to put religion back into the state to make the constitution itself kind of quasi-religious.
In contrast to constitutions such as German and Japanese which were developed in the 20th century, precisely after WWII, those were using American constitutions as fundamental frameworks, but much easier to adapt to changing circumstances. So one of the great tension in the American system is that because ways of changing the American constitution is very very difficult, the supreme court becomes an overly powerful arbiter. Also, a lot of unenumerated rights were not written down in the constitution, thus it has become a difficult business because America doesn't have a process for public and democratic engagement in changing the constitution.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Has been down for days. At this age, when I’m down, I'm more cynical and mean. Not to be mean to anyone in real life, only to scream in my own head.
How can I be not down? The world is racing into a pitch dark for me. I wish I could be carefree, I wish I am not aware of the darkness lurking about, I wish I stay ignorant and innocent, stay brainwashed too. But I have never been like that, have I? If I were carefree, if I didn't have a sharp eye to see through what was truly happening in that darkness, I literally wouldn't survive, would I?
Many haters say "I wish China never had that golden period to grow, hence CCP won't be so powerful today and pose a threat to the whole world". If China didn't have that 40 years (1980-2020) of growth, if China's door has been shut and never got open, I wouldn't exist, would I? Even if I could be brought into this world, I wouldn't have the opportunity ever to study, to learn, to run out, and have the life I have today, would I?
Mao died, so Cultural Revolution finished, and the suffering of the billion people finally started to ease. Then the leadership did a series of adjustments - canceled lifelong tenure for individual leaders, shrank down the military, proposed technology development, rekindled with the West, and opened China's door to become the world's factory.
But without political reform which could result in power loss for CCP leaders, there is always a chance for men like Xi to rise up to absolute power. In 1989 people went to the streets, and as a result, USSR collapsed, but China took the opposite turn. 40 years, it was just a dream. Now time to wake up, and Chinese people go back to the dark. Our life has never been more valuable than ants, for the past 2000+ years.
I don't feel content to be able to escape, because how many could be like me, having such luck to cross over to the side of light? Or have I ever? Crossed over to the side of light?
Begins in dark, ends in dark. The only comfort I take is to be able to work for something that brings upon a tiny ray of light. Too much blood, too much screaming, the only peace in me comes from the faintly burning candle deep in my soul.
Aren't we all?
Barely surviving, day to day, hour to hour. Breathlessly crawling, inside our own cage, carrying our own prison.
From now on, it would only get worse. China has again taken another drastic turn, falling back into the abyss. The endless darkness, has defeated us all.
Monday, October 17, 2022
Some basic human historical facts too many people are ignorant about
In case one day your child comes back home and asks you "Are our gods and goddesses Fake? My friend said so".
You can reply:
1. Our gods and goddesses symbolize a way of living and it belongs to an ancient "religion", if you'd like to call it that way, in fact, the only surviving ancient religion. A way of living so to accept and respect the Unknown, and any expression on the path of searching is tolerated and respected based on our way of living, anyways. Thus when "our gods and goddesses" already existed for thousands of years, your friend's "one true male god" was just written into books.
2. Just so you know, all the ancient religions, like ours, Mayan, Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Persian, and ancient Chinese etc, all of them had equally powerful Goddesses that ancient people worship, like how we still worship goddesses today. It was only later that society was more divided, and gradually men became more powerful, thus in the young religions that were less than 2000 somewhat years old, only male presence got written into books as the divine or main deity. In the young religions, women only exist as secondary, attachment, sin or property. You should be so proud that we still celebrate Goddesses today, like how ancient people did thousands of years ago.
3. Tell your friend America is a democratic country, religious freedom is each and every citizen's fundamental right, and also is each and every citizen's duty to protect. What your friends learn in the church is his/her freedom, but running around outside and making comments that violate religious freedom is different. They should know the line.