Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Tooth Fairy

My daughter lost her 2nd tooth yesterday, which set her into a fever pitch, excited about if the tooth fairy would come. I had no idea about this tooth fairy deal, hence I placed an orange and some plastic cutlery under their pillows for their first teeth. Then I asked around to find out the kids usually get money. 

She didn't allow me to sleep with her last night because that could stop the fairy from coming. Usually, she cries and cries and cries so she could get me to lie down with her while falling asleep. Then midnight she screamed for me because she needed to use the toilet. When done, she asked me to Not stay with her, that definitely never happened before because she's extremely scared of dark. I kept reminding myself to put the stuff under her pillow and then went back to my bed. 

At 6:30am, my son woke up to use the toilet, he yelled and woke me up too. At first, I was not sure what dimensions I was at, but then I ran, luckily I had my robe on. I ran downstairs to get a 5-dollar note and a candy, then ran up to slide them under my daughter's pillow, right before my son finished his business in the bathroom and back in the room to help his sister check. When my daughter got to know the stuff the tooth fairy gave her, she jumped into our bed to tell us this news, at 6:40am. My son verified that the note was not a toy note but a real one issued by Federal Reserve Bank. 

Then my children brushed their teeth, and quietly cleaned up their room, folding beddings and arranging pillows. As I was reminding them: "See, some being is indeed watching you closely the whole time, knowing exactly what's happening to you. I can't believe the money is real. Why is no one giving mommy some cash under mommy pillow. You better do your own chores, no arguing and fighting but help each other out, or else..." "But I lost 4 teeth already." "Oh, is it because you fought with your sister so the fairy didn't give you money? Or is it because you are always playing around instead of cleaning up?" "No, it's because I never put my teeth under my pillow." "Oh, then you put them all out tonight, but remember to tell fairy about it, just like how we talk to Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Kali and all. Then fairy will come and make it up to you." "Okay..." Then they went ahead to breakfast and school in ecstasy and delirium..... 

Ain't kids the best gifts parents could get?! 🥰 


So my son did tell the tooth fairy that he's gonna put all 4 of his lost teeth tonight under his pillow, and both my son and daughter really believe in the tooth fairy. I mean kids are so strange, we indeed do puja for all the Goddesses and Gods during festivals, and we indeed go to the temple once or twice a year, but we also told them all religions are merely science fictions, people imagined all of them up. Different people in different geographic and cultural backgrounds, at different times, imagined different kinds of stories. But they still would believe the tooth fairy really came and gave them money and stuff! Duh! 

I'm only gonna give my son 15 dollars for his 4 teeth because guess what, that first one I already dealt with. No double sales. When he asks tomorrow morning, I will say: "Well, I guess your fairy was an accountant before..." I asked my daughter today, "Where is your tooth then?" She told me the fairy took it. I was right away discreetly putting my arm under her pillows, trying to find that little tooth of her. Most probably it fell under the bed... 

So I took my son's 4 teeth out after placing 15 dollars and a big candy bar under his pillow. I was holding the teeth in my palm and asking my husband:" What we gonna do with these?!" "Throw them in the trash." "What?! NO! He kept so well for so long, in that little blue teeth box from the dentist, even took them out for our guests to see!" Eventually, we dug a hold in our strawberry field, buried all 4 in the soil, and hoped to see a teeth tree grow out of it. We are still trying to locate my daughter's missing tooth...

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