Friday, October 25, 2024

Reflecing on life

Not sure if it's because a life-changing election result is coming, or it's because I'm almost turning 40, found myself reflecting on life. 

What a journey, I have learned a great deal over the past few years. Both Raj and I have become excellent communicators. Obviously, I am doing a better job than him. It's because of the experiences, also because of my big nerve and non-apologetic personality which I was born with. I now find myself asking for whatever I want, arranging with people how to get it, and ya, getting it whenever, wherever, and however I want it. I have been the main organizer for events, I have set up profiles on various platforms. It's me who fixes up the tones and practices effective communication.

Through rich experiences, I know what to do and what not to do in various situations with a wide range of people. It's always me who gets to set up rules, who chooses and initiates therefore people can follow my fun, mainly because I get the nerves to desire and execute. Most people are either too low energy, too lazy, or too much living in the box. The shame, norms, and doctrines that were ingrained in their brains will last them a lifetime. 

I find myself living my life completely free. And I will not trade this freedom for anything. 

Of course, the most important key here is a great partner like my husband, whose mind has no boundaries and whose love for me has no limit. I do get both with my husband: a stable family for raising beautiful children, also a romantic journey of exploration that never stops. If you find the right person, you can get both. 

I do keep it a very small circle I can call friends. I seldom allow people to get close. Well, in my case, I am emotionally the dom because I am active and I make efforts, so I pick whoever I want. Once I realize anyone crossing any kind of line with me, they are gone from my life, forever. And most people can't even get any closer, even if I include them in my fun sometimes. 

To be honest, it's just simply too rare to find people who are genuinely fun. People's minds are constantly occupied by trivial shits. With too much thinking and calculations, they lose touch with some primal abilities such as feeling life's boundlessness, colorfulness, and thickness as it is. 

Such a fun loner I am. At least I got my husband to share everything together. Maybe sometimes life is just about this, solo or some real partner to share it. Try to finish it with no regrets and tons of fond memories. 

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