Thursday, January 25, 2024

Meeting in office

Prof didn't know I was going to Dharamshala last year or else I would be introduced to some great people there to meet. But meeting people in my office is amazing too! 

Just received three guests from India who are touring in America for collaborations. Prof in Boston so I was here to build the connection. One of them is a senior and wears a monk dress. You automatically feel the need to be so respectful in front of them. 

I always just see them from far away in the streets of Berkeley, or airports in India, or Dharamshala last year. I was watching them and trying to take it all in when we were in Dharamshala. There's too much history, too much pain, too much despair. There's warmth in it too, even hope. 

Hope, something I will never allow myself to let go of. I will create it, I will borrow it, I will fabricate it, I could even fake it. As long as I believe in it, I can harness my energy for them.   

I think I always want to be put into such settings - official meetings with them, either in groups or one-on-one. My first encounter, one on one. I was thrilled. But ya, I kept calm. We discussed a wide range of things and built strong connections too. 

Don't know why there's such a strong connection here for me. It's not because of the religion obviously, if you have to pin down religion into one or two figureheads, which is something I innately repulse. Maybe because of the potentially same root we shared? In my rootless drifting life, it is indeed something more significant than the others?  

Aren't we all drifting around in this rootless life, trying to find solace even meaning to it? If we are all victims who are robbed of our roots and knocked off the ground, we should just drift together then.  

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Beginnings and endings

Went yesterday and today with Sandra to check out rental apartments. We just saw a very good one this noon. Sandra is going through the application process right away and hopefully she will get it and move in on Feb 1st. It's only 12 minutes of drive from my house. I had a good feeling standing inside the apartment. Getting emotional even. 

It's a one-bedroom but with spacious living and dining rooms. A two-car garage too, it's a huge bonus because Sandra could work on her cars. The house is not newly built but the interior is nicely designed and kept, and all kitchen wares are good-branded and high quality. Very different from yesterday's three-year-old ADU which was filled with cheap wares and not thoroughly cleaned. The owner must be a cheap person who uses the lowest quality materials on the ADU and hence is difficult to deal with.

I'm so happy that we went out and talked last Saturday. Within a mere few days, we're almost finalizing on apartment rental and J's parents will be here on Saturday to take him back to their home. I believe Sandra finally made up her mind after we talked and she right away acted on it. J is not going to understand what's going on, but Sandra is not giving him up just yet, she is only moving out by herself but will keep visiting him and helping him with all the necessary paperwork for social benefits. 

From Sandra met J via a dating app to their little civil marriage ceremony in San Francisco, to now this marriage is ending so Sandra can live again, I am proud of myself that I have stood by her side for all events. This is what friendship is about. For me, Sandra came from here to India to attend my wedding, she saw my two kids born and supported me through my early motherhood, I know no matter what happens, she will stand by my side too. If a person can have one or two people like this, it is a fulfilled life indeed. What more do you need?   

Life is so interesting, in a sense that you will never know what's going to happen the next moment, who you're going to meet, or part ways. Life is a never-ending process of endings and beginnings. If you pay enough attention, you will realize it's so very normal for people to come and go, some will even take your tears with them. But only the truly bonded and connected ones are there for you, through ups and downs, never to leave you in despair, but to wipe your tears, kiss your forehead, and protect you in their arms. 

I'll Live

yes, you can take away, that's what you're best at

you took away my could-be bigger brother

you burned down houses, cut out 8-month-old fetuses from wombs

you made the blood sea of dead female fetuses

but now you want us to be your womb farms, again? 

you clamped down on feminism, slapped on any women who dared to speak up

you smacked my head against the iron wall, cracked my head open 

you stripped me off all my clothing, piece by piece

you spat on me, punched me, kicked me, all over my body

but now you want us to be your baby-making machines, again?

I made sure whatever I pushed out from my vagina had nothing to do with you

the young women will make sure nothing, absolutely nothing will grow inside of their wombs

I hold my infants in my arms, my body against the freezing iron wall

in front of the whole world,

I'm completely naked and all bruised up

but I'll live

I'm not anymore inside your iron bar cage

I'll live freely

I'll laugh and I'll love

I'll make love 

oh yea

I'll make love like I'm dropped from a parallel universe

a world that's not ruled by evils like your kind

      Precisely what I did in 2023 and what I'm planning to do in 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

Friend in need

When I left xxx to go through pregnancy and the very early chaotic years of my infants, Sandra would come at least two times a year to check on me. Whenever Tony was up in the bay, both of them would come visit me and the kids. How I wish Tony lived here, so the three of us could always hang out. Two-on-two is fun, but three of us is always the most fun. 

When I joined back at xxx last year, Sandra left xxx for a few years by then, but we did spend more time together since. Actually, before that, whenever she needed a referral from me for her job application, it reminded me to have her over for a hotpot. Oh all the seafood hotpots we enjoyed for the past few years! 

We couldn't hang out as often as we would want but we always keep each other updated with our lives. Like with Tony now, we get to talk because of work, before we can start anything work-related, we have to update each other on everything. Can't wait for him to come visit the bay in the coming month and there's so much to share with him in person. 

The connections we made 14 years back are going to last for a lifetime. I mean how three of us are all so unbelievably kind and vulnerable, such a group is truly rare to form. The fact that only I out of the three found a trustworthy partner to share the life journey differently makes it a little sad, but it's just how life is. Luckily I got Raj before I got Sandra and Tony so the existence of Raj and the kids came very naturally. Tony is still young, barely 33, I wish he could one day get over the bad experiences and move on.  

I wanted to hang out with Sandra more, after the Chinese feast in my house. So we went to a boba tea place. We already planned to have a hotpot night out after my band performance, but that day I really needed to share something with her. She has always been my rock, my pillar, who gives the most valuable advice when I encounter confusion and complications in life. 

I thought I was the one who needed to be heard, but then I saw the tears in her eyes. I didn't know, I didn't know to think about it, I didn't put my mind to it to think further. I guess I have been too direct and straightforward a person, if people don't tell me their feelings on my face with the simplest words, I wouldn't be able to guess it out. 

It has been two years now, and I never thought about where their relationship was going. The last time I knew, they were trying to cure it, guess they had been holding the hope of J being recovered. Actually, prof would ask about it each time and I would give him the updates I knew, I never thought about if J wouldn't be cured. 

But the situation is different now, it has been put down into words as "Medication-Resistant Psychosis". They tried all kinds of medications, they even tried electric shocks to the brain but the situation has gone out of control now. In her tears, I felt the loss of hope. I have never seen her cry, never. She is such a strong and kind person, her tears were the struggle of going or staying which she believes contradicts the moral obligation she inherited when she chose the man 12 years ago. Tony and I were the only witnesses/family members presented, in that simple marriage in San Francisco Civic Hall. 

"I could have easily cheated but I stayed by his side because I took a vow 'to be there in sickness'." She sobbed. In my Google Photos I indeed have the videos I took that day, when they did the vows. "But his mind is gone already, you did everything you could, and there is nothing there for you anymore. Your company no longer has the value of a companion, no need to mention a partner, but could be well replaced by a professional caregiver. To be very honest, he's unalive in this world now but you are still living, I don't think it's fair to kill yourself for his unfortunate fate. If he's in his right mind, he would for sure want you to leave him and keep living."   

I know it's a tough choice, but I am there for her, so I have to keep her alive. J is gone now, I don't want him to take away my friend too. J still gets up, eats, walks around in the house, watches TV, and exercises, but his mind is not there anymore, for two years he hadn't taken one step outside. For two years they haven't had a normal conversation or physical intimacy. What kind of living is that for Sandra? It could be much easier if he only lies in bed. His parents are still healthy, and wealthy too, they have a house J can walk around, and his sister also stays inside the house the whole time. It's obviously a much more comfortable life if he goes back to live with his parents. 

Sandra needed to hear all of this. She needed someone to tell her: "It's ok, you are making a choice that is better for the future of both you and him. You deserve to keep on living. You tried all you could and you never gave up hope or left his sight for two years until his mind was completely gone. Nobody in this world could use any doctrines to tell you that you are doing something wrong. No, if you leave today, you are making the best choice and his parents would wholeheartedly agree with you too. You have no children, no property, all you need to do is walk out." 

So now she is beginning the rental apartment search and will move out in the coming months. I am going to be there to make sure she gets through the whole process.  

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Today I encountered a video about "11:11". I was like, "What? 11:11 is a Thing??!!"

I have been seeing 11:11 my whole freaking life. Whenever I randomly check my phone for time, it's 11:11am or 11:11pm. Sometimes 1:11 sometimes 11:1, but mostly 11:11. At a point in time I was so puzzled as to why I kept seeing the pattern 11.11? I asked Raj if he did, and he was like "Meah, you're being silly. Your mind is always like that (scrambled)". 

But hey, did you know I was born in all ones? I'm serious. January 1st, 1985 in the Chinese lunar calendar is November 11th, 1984. So every year on the November 11th Chinese lunar calendar, my family celebrates my birthday too, besides the Gregorian New Year's birthday. 

And I just did a simple search about 11:11, turns out people who keep seeing 11:11 are indeed a thing, a good thing!

How mind-blowing is this!? I never knew!! Now it clicks to me why I never worried about anything even not about the people who did wrong to me and my family. I grew up seeing instant karma, and knowing the universe protects me in a very unique way: whoever appeared on my path as a harm or threat, would instantly find their own karma down their own paths, and vice versa. The events would always unfold within the stretch of my attention on them.

Therefore I learned from a very young age to be the kindest version of myself for always and make the best effort for others. I was encouraged from a very young age to follow the signs the universe leaves for me, follow my own feelings, follow my thoughts, and follow my heart. If I'm confused, I just need to close my eyes, relax my mind, and let go. When I'm up on it again, all things that matter would fall through naturally. Guess I will carry on with such an attitude for the decades to come! Looks like it's not at all silly!

11:11, can't believe it's a thing!!  😁

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Why Should I?


I have absolutely no idea why some people's lives are so dull and tasteless, they enjoy that tiny bit of thrill of belittling others, from their made-up "moral higher ground" through a weeny teeny hole in their brains.

I bet this old woman has absolutely no idea that the couple in this photo are almost $ Billionaires and they are whole-heartedly comfortable and supportive of me making such jokes to deal with small people like her, and over the years we have been THE very core support for them, on business and life journey, in this ruthless cold world where people bite and stab with such grotesque faces for a small gain. 

【Turned out this lady was very weird about commenting. She later asked me if I liked Harbin nude hot spring, I replied it was one of our favorite spots, to which she replied, "I love it". At this point, I have no idea what she really meant initially "With clothes on" for my normal lunch photo... Maybe after my strong reply, she did a little trick to make herself look innocent so as not to offend me. But hey, if you do that again I will again reply with something that makes you feel embarrassed about yourself. Why not just stop commenting on my photos? lol 】

Well~ rumor has it right, I do detest putting on clothing, because, Why Should I Hide Such Beauty?

Thursday, January 4, 2024

I Am Every Good Thing


Found this while cleaning up my desktop....
My son's poem from last year❤️

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The door

forgive me, my love

for not granting you access to this door in the corner

truth is,

I sealed it off for myself too

behind the door

a black hole portal

I'll be swirled in

I'll spin out of control

I'll be torn into a million pieces

I'll be swallowed by the absolute darkness

I'll meet a floating river in the blind

that consists of my own tears

it's my little green planet

at the end of the portal

but I know,

I'll never be able to reach

it's not fear I'm afraid of

but I haven't yet mastered the containing

I don't think I ever will

there will be others who come to live there

I'll love it as how it is

my planet

but I won't grant you access to this door

forgive me, my love