Friday, December 20, 2024

New year resolution

It's more like a "40s resolution" since I'm entering the 40s in less than two weeks!

1. No specific financial goals in life 

Continue to not care about how much money we get; I only care if I can care for the people around me and even reach out far to whoever I feel like caring for. The best days of our lives remain when we were dirt poor, living as students, as an eloped couple with 1700 per month in Berkeley, ate to only 70% full but stayed active and helpful to people around us. My parents definitely hated that but I refused their money for years hence I finally got independence, being with whoever I wanted to be with, studying and doing whatever my heart wanted.   

True that things have been looking up for us financially in recent years, but when I look around, all that I comprehend is up to a level, wealth becomes a burden, messing up people's perspectives and relationships. I've been trying very hard to prevent Raj from getting in the traps of the blind rat races, keeping his mind occupied with the actual pleasure and excitement life's journey provides. Guess being born into a comfortably wealthy family (or a capable father who gradually made his way out from a humble background), and raised like a carefree princess helped; for me, money simply falls from the sky but is never something I need to make an effort to get, and money and materials are to be shared. Only Raj knows how annoying that gets sometimes! But mostly, it's bliss for a man! (>_<)

2. Deliberately choose who I want to spend my time with

They must be kind, tender, generous, pure in their hearts, and not self-centered narcissists. Because I am like that, being with people who are not on the same level of kindness kills me. I often got hurt in the past, but now I've learned my lessons and opened all my senses to be capable of sniffing pure-hearted people out and keeping them, and vice versa. 

Life is short, I got no time to waste on not gentle people.

3. No specific plans for a career or whatsoever

The conventional path for a rising career has abruptly terminated for me because of childbearing. It was my choice indeed. I am still not able to get it back, for example, do I have the leisure to leave home any time for a week to travel to Europe or Japan or Taiwan for workshops and speeches?? Then let me just comfortably idle around, do whatever I can to help. Even so, my professor is so impressed by my work and all the progress and improvement I've made possible for the sites. 

That's all. 

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