ya I never wear bras!!! Too small to needing a bra to hold anything and I can't breathe just because of the thought of something is there to tie my chest. If yours big and heavy, obviously you need support, people like me, why the heck I need to wear bra? And why the heck do I care how "others" feel what I wear and what I don't wear? Did anyone pay for my clothing?? Lol
Congratulations to India for the perfect performances in 2020 Olympics!!!!🥰💕💕❤️ 祝賀印度運動員在2020奧運會上的完美表現!! 迄今為止獲得獎牌最多的一屆奧運,好棒啊!!!🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
印度以一金七獎牌結束了奧運,舉國狂歡啊!!!每個印度人都發自內心地高興。每個獎牌的獲得者都獲得全社會的大力關注,包括第四名的也都接受各種獎勵和表彰。所有人都瞬間暴富,各種贊助和代言。有一個銅牌獲得者,家鄉城市有一條街的名字已經被改成她的名字了!#奧運 #印度
印度人熱烈慶祝2020東京奧運戰果:一金七獎牌,有史以來最好成績。每個獎牌獲得者都成了全社會追捧的英雄,堪稱在最高等級的“第七層天國”裡的七位超級巨星(七在印度非常吉利)。標槍奪金後,各地跳舞唱歌視頻應聲而出。奧運還有幾天結束,印度人已搖著頭表示“印度隊done! 完美了太完美了太完美了!” #印度 #奧運
#女權 #法制 #印度 #阿里巴巴 #阿里 #阿里巴巴女员工被侵害 #強姦案 #強姦大國 #女性權益 #女權主義
1. Alibaba is not a single case, it's phenomenal, it reflects exactly what Chinese society is. It's called the "Dinner Table Culture" where men telling "yellow jokes"(sex jokes) all the time on the face of everyone, and treating women as sex resources. [I mean I grew up listening to sex jokes on the dinner table when my parents taking me out with their friends, the worst thing was seeing all those old men and women talking about vaginas and prostitutes, I mean you wouldn't hear the words but you knew what they were implying, I always felt like throwing up, but that's the culture. Similar culture can be found in South Korea, and Chinese culture influenced places].
2. And what Chinese society really is is not only inequality and exploitation of women as sex resources, it also shows that there is no law and order to protect people's fundamental rights. It's not a modern society built on social contracts and laws, there is no concept of Universal Values which are followed by most modern societies, there is no social structure to restrict individuals' grasp of power. When it is common for high profile CCP officials to have 100, 200, 500 mistresses, it's not about the physical or mental needs of those individuals, but about possession and exploitation of sex resources. And feminism would never go anywhere in the land that is barbarian and lawless. Women would stay as a resource, either is for sexual pleasure or reproduction purposes.
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