Monday, August 16, 2021

Between the Evil and Righteousness

The chaos and failure in Afghanistan show: 

1. It's a huge blow to America's image and influence in the world, America has always withdrawn from allies and caused chaos in those countries it intended to help. America could barely finish what it started, the so-called "Beacon of Freedom" has been proven to be dim over and over again. 

2. Civilized societies lack the means to go to war with barbarian regimes, because civil means following rules, however evil expands at all costs. And the civilized world couldn't even understand what evil is, they wouldn't understand to what depth the evils could go just for the thirst of power, no need to mention coming up with practical and effective tactics to outpower them. 

3. When Americans refused to fight the Japanese in Manchuria, the consequence is Pearl Harbor; when Americans refused to fight the communists in Vietnam, the consequence is now aircraft carriers patrolling in the South China sea at all times; back in WWII, when Britains and French hesitated to fight the Nazis, the consequence was the destructive occupation of London and Paris; today when America and the world refuse to defend HK, Taiwan, Kabul, Myanmar... one day America and the world have to defend the democratic world in the soil of Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, London, Paris... 

Because evil has always been lurking in the dark and seizing its chances to attack and expand. You let loose one inch of injustice and brutality, violence and barbarism would surely not let loose of you, they would surely strike back within one breath. Why? Because it's in their DNA. And considering the global village we are living in today, the evil in any corner of the world would eventually find its way back to you within your lifetime.

4. The way of dealing with the world's problems, shows exactly the hypocrisy and shortsightedness, the arrogance and selfishness of the leaders and the people who elected them in democratic societies. Deep down, it's discrimination and ignorance - discrimination against different cultures and different people, ignorance in a way that is unable to obtain foresight over small and petty calculations. This arrogance and hypocrisy go exactly against the so-called Universal Values that the democratic world is propagating. 

In the fight between evil and righteousness, the shortcoming of the democratic world is gonna be the root of a lot of bloodshed and tragedy in the future. Because for the past one hundred years, it has been proven over and over again: when you are allowing one inch of freedom and democracy to be snatched away, no matter where, you would have to pay 100 times the price for it. 

Today we all lose, the way we lost HK, is exactly the way we lost Myanmar and Kabul, and will be exactly the way more places gonna go in the future. 

Today we all lose, as humans, as the free world, as civilized societies.  

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