April 29th
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Random Thoughts April-June 2021
Friday, June 18, 2021
[Twitter May-June] Internet Violence - Making a Record as How it is Unfolding #辛格莫默 #嫁給印度人 #網絡暴力
Youtube URL Here: https://youtu.be/JF2pxR5c9Xo
Behind such violence, it's all about fabricated dreadful stories and fake accusations. It's about ordinary citizens who lack the basic fundamental rights to think and speak freely, and possess no means to protect their rights.
I guess when you are in an environment that is filled with fraud news and provocation for hatred, it's hard for the people to understand what's right and what's wrong, what to believe and what's fake. It's even darn hard for a lot of them to keep their last bit of humanity intact, soaking in constant and a ginormous amount of brainwashing content of hatred and violence.
A lot of people told me: "They (pinks and trolls) hate you because you criticize them, and you should criticize the government but not the common people." I was like:" Hold up hold up, who said I was criticizing anyone or anything publicly? Ever? Do I dare?"
What I did for 12 years in Chinese social media was to introduce my authentic multicultural life, introduce India from all aspects: Indian people, Indian customs, Indian culture, Indian history, Indian travels etc... and I maintained an objective tone, I said things as I saw it and felt it, I didn't easily take sides. At least I'd tried very hard to, playing by the rules, however, the rules kept changing and straitening without warning signs.
And I was THE only person who dared to use my real name and real stories to show the connection with India. Well, I guess the majority of people who dared not to use their real names and faces, understood China more than me.
And look where I'm now.
I said this many times and I will say it whenever needed: what happened to me and happened to the whole generation of Chinese who once existed in Weibo, has nothing to do with what we said and what we haven't said. As long as you dare to make different choices in life, different from what the propaganda machine propagates, in my case, so outrageously out-of-line as to marry an Indian who is by default discriminated and detested against by the state and the people under its control; as long as you dare to make one line of commentary that doesn't come from the propaganda directory, just one line.
You will surely have the same fate as all of us.
More Original Screenshots in FB page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=InternetViolence.Feimoyu21&set=a.311214233969172
Video Playlist
*Internet Violence https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzlsklOlfSJ5-2ZTPdF8xeBIZ1wEGg8vh
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