Tuesday, September 28, 2021

[Twitter June-Sep] Internet Violence #ExtremeNationalism #Propaganda #HateEducation #Brainwash #Antifeminism #網絡暴力 #中國網絡 #洗腦 #反女權

Why nailed me as a piece of countering-free-world propaganda and brainwashing material? 

1. "She is a woman, women's behavior should be within a certain frame and limit. The worst scenario is that our good Chinese women running away to be the reproduction tool of evil foreign men. All there is to women is pleasure tool and species continuation"; 

2. "She is educated. Educated women are the worst evil. Not only this phenomenon is affecting our population growth, but it also brings down social morality, affecting the mentality of our other good women in society"; 

3. "She embraces individual freedom which is naturally opposing to collectivism and she even has the audacity to express it, this is the worst evil that could exhibit in an individual. Any tendency of individualism is the enemy of the collective commonwealth of our evergrande nation"; 

4. "We would let you go if you married a white from a once-supreme country, but an Indian? Indian equals black, black is on the bottom of the food chain, nobody going down the chain. Nothing to do with the size though, we're talking about skin colors, skin color is what truly matters, nobody cares about the size."


--Related Blogs: 

*How Famous am I in China? Some Video Platform Search Results https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/07/how-famous-am-i-in-china-some-video.html 

*Why nailed me as a piece of countering-free-world propaganda and brainwashing material? https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/09/twitter-june-sep-internet-violence.html 

*[Twitter May-June] Internet Violence - Making a Record as How it is Unfolding https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/06/twitter-may-june-internet-violence.html 

*The real violence usually are sent via DM https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2020/06/dm.html 

*Why I regularly post the violent comments I receive? https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2020/06/why-i-regularly-post-violent-comments-i.html 

*A Poem - If I Could Stay, Why I Ever Leave? https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-poem.html 

*With You By My Side, My World Lit Up Like A Northern Sky https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/03/with-you-by-my-side-my-world-lit-up.html 

*Internet Violence in China #Brainwash #Propaganda #ExtremNationalism #Discrimination #Defamation #Persecution #FalseAccusation #PromoteHatred #MinistryofTruth #ThoughtPolice https://feimoyu21.blogspot.com/2021/05/internet-violence-chinese.html

-- Related Youtube Videos: 

*The Incident in February 2021  https://youtu.be/ddrSYPc5A98 

*When They Make Hit Videos About U, U Know U'r Famous!..Hilarious..  https://youtu.be/crfz0CNMJRk 

*😂😂 How Famous am I in China? Some Video Platform Search Results #郑墨沫 #中印恋人 #嫁给印度人 #网络暴力 #抹黑污蔑 https://youtu.be/xTxqcTyb12I

*21世紀中國式的黑白顛倒 指鹿為馬 閉塞無知 公開羞辱 侵犯私權 文革批鬥 My Story in Parallel Universe: Public Shaming and Persecution https://youtu.be/6X-YiGiGaHY

*The Most Violent Languages Usually Sent Via DM(2)https://youtu.be/YrdHZJem6WI

*The Most Violent Languages Usually Sent Via DM(1) https://youtu.be/tf4nJlgt1cI 

*China-India Border Tensions Bring Internet Violence To Chindian Family https://youtu.be/rlng22KPGEs 

*China's Internet Censorship and Violence 【21世紀文字獄】https://youtu.be/EoWGwqscwNo 

*Internet Violence - Glimpse of 12 Years of Violence Against Me in Chinese Internet https://youtu.be/tXRBaqQBux0 

*[Twitter May-June] Internet Violence - Making a Record as How it is Unfolding #辛格莫默 #嫁給印度人 #網絡暴力 https://youtu.be/JF2pxR5c9Xo

*[Twitter June-July] Internet Violence - War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength #網絡暴力 https://youtu.be/zD25PJVnacQ

*[Twitter Aug-Sep] Internet Violence #ExtremeNationalism #Propaganda #HateEducation #Brainwash #網絡暴力 https://youtu.be/QHjETyk2PXI

Friday, September 24, 2021


Sep 24th

1. America has already countered China on the semiconductor technology, Huawei already lost its value (they are almost out of smartphone chips, and almost out of 5g market), releasing Huawei's princess for the exchange of the two Canadian citizens is America's gesture to Canada and the world. 

2. How clearly it shows what kind of a gangster regime the Chinese government is, holding other countries' citizens as hostages, sentenced innocent citizens to death and 11 years in prison as the punishment to the rival states, as evil as the North Korea regime. On the other hand, this move showed what democratic countries' value is: their common people. 

3. Also you can tell how important Huawei is to the Chinese regime, CCP has never admitted it, but Huawei is truly a state-sponsored Technology Stealing Machine. CCP would do anything to get Huawei's princess back. 

4. Chinese internet went into a manipulated craze because Huawei has always been painted as a National Glory, the pinks regard the Return of Huawei's Princess as a victory of China to the world (my ass).

Chinese propaganda machine made this incident a "huge success" about how China is a strong superpower in this world now: "Because of the strength of CCP and our dear country, they fought over the imperialists (America and his little hitman Canada), Meng didn't even need to plead guilty and was rescued by our country, finally she can embrace her freedom and return to the love of her family. How great our country is!"

[Chinese singing national anthem & welcoming Meng Wan Zhou ( Huawei princess) back home   How much Chinese are brainwashed, this is so disgusting, makes me sick🤮🤮🤮 Meng is a princess of the powerful family, not only they control all the resources, they control all the people too. Whatever Meng's life is about, these ordinary Chinese have nothing to do with. Because of the powerful, ordinary Chinese have no basic rights and always on the edge of being wiped out.... This image is exactly like how the starved-to-death North Koreans worship the Kim dictators. This is one of the saddest things about humans - still so many of us living in the dark age...]

5. I feel the world is getting better at dealing with real evil. And the free world should always remember that when we enter the cave to kill the evil dragon, we can not become the dragon after killing it.

Sep 23rd

1. The forming of CPTPP was a countering tactic initiated by the Obama administration to counter China on their behavior in WTO. After entering WTO in 2002, all China did was finding loopholes in the system, manipulating the rules and doing whatever they want, heavily sponsoring and compensating its state-owned corporations, wiping out rival companies, often wiping out a whole industry or production chain, changing the landscape of WTO.

2. Quitting CPTPP was one of the major failures on world affairs by the Trump administration.

3. Right after the AUKUS alliance, China threw in the application to CPTPP as revenge and a countering move. Right after China threw in the application, Taiwan also threw in its application, backed by America. This year, when Japan is the acting president, is the only chance for Taiwan to get in because next year CCP alliance Singapore will be the acting president. 

4. "I'll take America joining the TPP today over helping to deploy submarines years from now. By then, if America continues to stay out, the CPTPP surely will be renamed again. It will have the same initials but they will stand for the "Chinese People's Trans-Pacific Partnership" - Friedman  https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/21/opinion/china-biden-australia-tpp.html

5. Finally, the fight is on. 

Sep 22nd

AUKUS and the other alliances in Indo-Pacific are making Australia a military giant in the region, and this is going to play a key role in the battle between the free world and the authoritarian regimes. 

Sep 17th

On "China bans kids from playing online video games during the week"

1. This is what Digital Totalitarian looks like. 

2. Parents were happy that the government is helping them to control their addicted kids, this shows the failure of family education. 

3. With digital totalitarianism, they don't only put hands on your kids, today new regulations came out, restricting Adult online gaming time, every 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...hours, gamers are forced to take a rest of 15 minutes. And of course, the control won't be limited to gaming, it would reach each aspect of people's life.

4. Why an authoritarian regime wants to control people's online gaming time? When every year there is 2 million lung cancer death caused by cigarettes (cigarette companies are state-run, a looooot of revenue), every year 200k blinded by fake alcohol, death by the fake vaccines, 200k kids every year kidnapped in China to be sold, and all, the government won't give a shit. Why gaming? Because gaming is a western concept, each game is a story, as well as a fantasy world. When there are stories, there are structures of logic and reasoning, there are ideas of freedom and universal values, this is against brainwashing. Also when real-life sucks people find comfort in fantasy, gaming space could be a place to unite people in misery. 

5. From the beginning, Xi has been tightening the control on the youth - Xi's ideology made into a compulsory subject for Grade one through college; Xi wiped out the online tutoring industry; Xi took out English subject tests from primary school in Shanghai, within years this new rule will be in whole China, kids won't be learning English until from grade seven and up, and many more moves in tightening the control on Chinese youth.

Conversations with my kids [Sep 2021]

Aditi:"Mama, what made America?"
Me:"You mean America the country?"
Aditi:"Ya, how you make it?"
Me:"hmmm, America is a country made by people. How to make it? People needed to sit down and have discussions, everyone should express themselves, let others know their minds. That's why mama keeps telling you education is important because it will help you express your thoughts clearly. Also, you need to listen to and understand what others want, then all of the people find agreement, to put into laws, and all of us respect and obey the laws. Most of the time, we do the discussion by voting. And there are wars too, sometimes when you can't find agreement, you have to fight for what's right. Protests too, when we don't like something, we protest. Remember we went to the street and protested for black people's, women's, immigrants', gay people's rights? Because the society is unfair to them. And we got to protect the people who are treated unfairly, we got to protect the weak. Only in this way, most people, including us, will be treated fairly."

Shiva:"Mama, I think I love to be with Ms. Y more than being with you now."
Me:"Awww, that's so sweet of you. I'm very glad that you love your teacher and enjoy the time with her."  ["My baby is growing up, it's good he is capable of loving the people he encounters."]

Shiva:"What else brands' machines we have in the house? Whirlpool, Samsung, Panasonic.."
Me:"American, South Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese too, and European like German cars too. Because they have democracy, and only democracy brings about innovation because rule and law protect innovators' rights."
Shiva:"ya, not only copying. If I spend time thinking about something, I will create. But some students they copy, then they don't create."

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


At last, the mommies of the three first-grade besties have met and exchanged phone numbers. "He/she talks about the other two all the time!" We all laughed. 

S is the girl, the family just moved to our town in July, before this, the south bay. S was born in Munich, Germany, mommy daddy from South Korea. When S was two, they moved to the bay area, daddy works for a tech company as a designer. Her mommy was telling me, S always talks about Shiva, she thinks Shiva is her best friend. She was telling her mother:"Mommy, I think Shiva is the same as me (like a South Korean or East Asian), but he is also different, somehow, I'm not sure..." 

E is the other boy, E's mommy loves K-Dramas and BTS, that's also part of the reason E is super excited about S. They look like Southeast Asians by race, but not recent immigrants like us. Shiva and E were best friends from Kindergarten already, Shiva talked about E all the time. One time Raj forgot to pick him up from school, E and his family waited for him and helped him find his way to the school office to make a phone call. Shiva also keeps talking about E's sister who is in the 3rd grade, nowadays they all play together during recess and lunch. 

I'm just so grateful that the school is open and classes are in-person, the children get to be together, learn together and play together. It only took them a few weeks, even just a few days, to find the persons they like and build friendships with one and another. How natural it is for us humans. 

Whatever I can't have, the feasibility of being with my first love, the possibility of staying in a relationship that ought to last a lifetime, because we fell in love so madly at such a young age, I wish to not take that away from my children. Why do I love all those teen dramas and always cry with them? Because that's something taken away from me, by the society. Nothing is possible when the foundation of the place is always shaking and shifting. Nothing would ever stay fresh if the people never really have the basic rights and freedom and the sense of security, self-worth, and satisfaction. 

They loved to make fun of our 30+ cm height difference and the complete opposite social circles, but all of that seemed so nonexistential today, compared to the huge erect wall between me and that world. I look at them as if they all are victims without any rights, exactly the same how they feel about me, who live in the "devastated outside world". What we had, was sealed and sank, with the time and the once-beautiful hometown, and it would never reappear in the reality that is so torn and shattered. 

"Get a grip mommy!!" oh lord, why do I have to go from one extreme point to another... I don't think Shiva or Aditi is going to "fall in love" with any of their friends anytime soon... lol... just damn happy that they would grow up in a healthy environment where uprooting and running away is not the only option left in life. Cheers!

Monday, September 13, 2021

Random Thoughts September 2021

Sep. 7th

Picking up my children from rock school music class, the coaches walked them out so I went ahead asked one of the coaches some general questions. A green-eyed white guy, children call him "Mr. Ian". 

After the chat, I said "thank you", he replied with a standard namaste hand gesture and said "Thank you!"... for a second there I didn't know how to respond, although feeling a bit awkward, out with respect I also showed him my hands together and said "thank you" again.... 

Usually, I switch to Namaste Gesture Mode altogether when I'm in India, or there are elders in Indian friends' house, you do namaste with hands together to greet them with respect. I mean in California sometimes you really have no idea what kind of mixed family/cultural background people have, and ya, it's super fun. 

Sep. 10th

About the thoughts "there is absolutely no hope for Chinese people to have democracy", "Chinese people are just not suitable for democracy", "Chinese are born slaves and only colonization would save them"... No, I Disagree. 

Taiwan got through it, South Korea got through it, their main drive both came from within, no? Taiwan in the late 80th, South Korea almost the exact same time... Both of them Chinese traditional culture, no? 

The thing is, you give people freedom of the press, freedom of criticism, freedom of information, people's minds will change fast enough. 

I grew up in China but I read and learned about freedom, democracy, and people's rights, and that resonated with my basic human innate nature, so I turned. Am I special? No, any human being could be taught about freedom and basic rights, it's just in our blood, like how animal enjoys freedom. You don't need to rule over them to impose "foreign ideals", but just open some windows for them, let in some fresh air and light, then watch how fast they will turn. 

Afghanistan, should be a counterpoint, no? --> The change has to come from within, if the people there are not ready, no matter how much you force them, they are not gonna change. 

How to ready the people? Free press, free flow of information, free debate, free criticism, investment in the education, not brainwashing type of "education" (this applies to all organizations and groups with different ideologies, races, religions or sexual orientations, people for their own interest and propagation of their own kind that they think it's the best, can't get over their idiot sense of superiority) but Education that Enlightens.

Sep. 12th

Typical Brainwashing Logic, people using this logic to rationalize their brutal and brainless behavior towards me: "she is not grateful for the education she received in China, so we can spit on her, slap her, call her a whore and ya, burn her house and kick her out!" 

I have never replied to such commonly existed evil, that nowadays a majority of Chinese have become (or they always have been under the current regime for 70+ years?). 

So today here are my questions: 

1. If you are Grateful, like Grateful to your Dear Leaders and Dictators, would you be able to get into the same rank of a university as I did? What I achieved in China (getting into a top university), it's because of the existence of the current regime but nothing to do with my own efforts and support from my own family? So all the refugees from evil regimes should feel nothing but grateful to their oppressors? 

2. How do you know I "ENJOYed" the 22 years of education in China? Where all I received was Brainwashing and Brainwashing and Brainwashing, so I had to Waste another 15 years to rebuild myself from ashes. 

22+15, that's basically my whole life till now, I am so Fucked Up, so Fucked Up, my youth so Wasted in mugging up your propaganda and Fabricated Facts about the world. 

Today, I mean today, I still look like an Ignorant Idiot when people are talking about what's happening and happened in the world. Because I have never built up that structure of knowledge, I might be out of the evil claws of propaganda logic, but the construction of knowledge takes decades. Normal people start from 3 years old, I start from 30+ years old...

You call that "ENJOY"? Well, Fuck you! 

Go worship your fucking dictators and let me be pissed with whatever I want to be pissed with, that's my fundamental right and I finally have that rights now. Well, Fuck you!

Sep. 12th

Was telling Raj about my experience in New Oriental (New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc.). Around 2006, my third year in Xia Men U, I started preparing for application to foreign universities, my family also sent me to Shanghai New Oriental for TOEFL training. 

I am from a small town, before college I never met a foreign English teacher who actually speaks English, but TOEFL has an oral test. Students like me who don't grow up in big cities where they can have summer camps and exchange programs with international schools, or private training sections, rely on facilities like New Oriental. 

Because New Oriental provides 2-week, 1-month, and so on intense English test tutoring sections, with dormitory and food. It's expensive, 2 weeks of training with a dormitory and food cost a few thousand dollars. But the norm was if you ever wanted to have enough scores for TOEFL, you got to have the New Oriental training... 

I ended up going to New Oriental 2 times before taking my TOEFL, one time in summer one time in winter. Made some friends in the dormitory, also got to meet all those "Legendary" star tutors who spoke perfect English, lived abroad, and understood how different systems work. They would give a lot of very useful advice on test-taking, as well as living abroad. Each one of them was like a comedian, a superstar among our youth. 

I think one of the most significant things about them was that they shone a lot of light on how the democratic system work, in terms of the election, voting, independent judiciary, state and federal laws etc. The trainers believed the students got to understand the basics to succeed in the test. 

New Oriental was the hope for normal middle-class Chinese to find the path to the outside world. 

How dramatically, just within a few week's time, they got wiped out, the whole freaking industry got wiped out, millions of teachers lost jobs overnight, which means a death sentence for a better future for the entire family. New Oriental's stock only has some one-digit % left, which also means millions of investors' money evaporated. 

Millions of normal Chinese family's dreams shattered, future altered, yet, you don't hear any complaints or crying, no protests or disagreement. 

Just like in Great Leap Forward, Three-anti/Five-anti Campaigns, 60s Famine, Cultural Revolution, One Child, and uncountable other terrors, you would never know how people suffered in silence and how families quietly got wiped out... 

This is the story of China.

Sep. 13th

People are the same everywhere, but systems are different. The reason a democratic system is, for now, the best for humans is that first of all, it keeps an individual's power under check, and most importantly, it heals itself. 

Democratic societies are always noisy, messy, and seem divided, and always, there are people who feel it's "in the decline", it's "hopeless", it's "the end of the world". Why? Because people are free to speak out their minds. 

When you have all the people speaking up, it will look crazy, messy, and sounds like the end of the world, but that's also the top-secret about self-healing. Only because people are allowed to argue, allowed to have different opinions, a society could correct itself and make better choices. 

I'm definitely not a fan of Trump supporters online, and I realized a lot of communist regime refugees automatically become one. A lot of things I don't agree with them, A Lot, but I do think they should be allowed to speak out and it's their fundamental right. 

The only thing to watch for is the Personality Worship of any leader, in any society.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Sci-fi movies

Watched two ok-ok sci-fi movies recently, therefore I might as well write about it. Finding good sci-fi movies is like searching the needles in a haystack. Sci-fi novels, easily good ones, but movies, rarely. Novels usually adopt well-thought-out theories that are backed by (futuristic) scientific facts; novels usually make painstaking efforts to map out social and cultural backgrounds before planting plots; and oftentimes, novels just need to capture a frozen moment, a slice of a complicated world, if you can explain it well, that's enough for reflecting a whole picture. On the contrary, movies have to catch common viewers' emotions and sensations in a fairly short period of time, so as to make high gross. As a result, sci-fi movies often lack scientific, social, or emotional depth.

Like "The Wandering Earth". Excuse me!? I couldn't even finish the first one third, what a piece of red propaganda. My son learned the backbone science in this movie when he was 3 years old. "Yes mommy, the gravity of bigger planets could change the course of spaceships", "Yaa mommy, oxygen and hydrogen mean explosion".  

My son even knows some basic theories about black holes that "Interstellar" adopts. "Interstellar" is one of my favorites so far besides the classic "Star Wars" (maybe I haven't watched enough?). Because in "Interstellar", the depth into science is almost as satisfying as novels and it's not shy on the emotional front. There are a few dozens more sci-fi movies I really like, but that's about it.

Authoritarianism and totalitarianism are too boring for people whose minds are constantly occupied or disturbed by trivial quarrels about rules on mask-wearing, if the right of mask-wearing or mask-no-wearing is the same right as the right of wearing-no-underwear. Movies like "1984" or "Brazil" could hardly reach mainstream because there is rarely any resonation, people can barely feel it to truly understand. There are millions of ways to the ending of the world, but dictatorship or state-sponsored censorship are unrelated. 

I mean there are a lot of depictions of dictators in sci-fi contexts, however, the dictators who are shaped based on modern Western culture are usually too democratic, lacking the authentic flavor of true dictators. Even the kings and rulers of the Darkest Age in Europe carried some form of democratic elements, better than a lot of extremist authorities in today's world, including the long-standing communist regimes. 

So, what could they know? How could they ever be interested in mass elimination and grand purges/cleansings? Hitler? Comon, Hitler didn't put any of his own, the white European Christians, in concentration camps and gas chambers. That's why all the neighboring white countries and white America turned a blind eye: "Nah, it's ok, not our problem. We can't save the whole world (Europe)! Remember all the centuries of wars among us own?" Just like the white male property owners during the founding of America and the next almost 200 years, equality and freedom pertaining to them had been the only equality and freedom that existed in that land. The Soviet communists must have been out of their wits, not able to find any darker skin who could be accumulated to critical mass to conduct execution. The mass graves of their own kind made Communism looked far worse than Fascism. 

Therefore conveniently, people who are born in a democratic society do not need to understand what true dictators look like and sound like. They can read for fun, but at the end of the day, "not my problem". Memories are always short with people anyway, because selfishness and blindness are human's no. 1 and no. 2 innate dispositions.

Yes I watched "The Congress" and "Arrival", both had good viewer ratings. For me, they were ok sci-fi movies, 4 and 6, out of 10. Pretty good I would say. 

"The Congress" (2013) was basically Robin Wright's monologue about her own state of mind. The science part of this movie made absolutely no sense, 0.5 out of 10. It just scraped a mere idea from the novel "The Futurological Congress" - people using hallucinating drugs to overcome their insecurity, low self-esteem and unmatched ego. "The Congress" had nothing to do with that Congress in the novel - mirroring a Soviet-style dystopia, where the totalitarian regime relied on all kinds of psychedelic drugs to achieve oppression and total control of people's minds. 

Do you really call that sci-fi? For me, it's more of a reality show than imagination. As I always put it, people who haven't seen the dark, lack the capability to imagine darkness. The big screen in Winston's room, releases the same chemical compound that arouses certain psychic effects on people. That big screen in Winston's room, has no difference to all the small but smart screens today, in those people's hands, except that the smart ones have become truly smarter, way smarter.

Why the "science part" made completely no sense? I thought it was very obvious, it just made no sense. No feasible logic, no cause and effect, no "where did it come from" and "where it's going". I mean if all the "crossed-over" people can just stand there like vegetables and do nothing, with absolutely no functioning social structure, how does this part of the world could even stand for an hour? Maybe the movie just didn't have time to lay out all the scenarios because the main selling point was Robin's monologues: the psychic journey of a once-charming-but-rapidly-aging-plus-unsuccessful actress' problem with her lack of self-reassurance and deep-rooted insecurity. A standard First World Problem. Nevertheless, the movie didn't even go deeper into digging out the cause of such insecurity, neither did it take the path of questioning the objectification of women, I also found the mother-and-son part incoherent and oddly out of place. The dialogues were good though, don't get me wrong. It would make you feel like you were watching something deep, and felt good about yourself. And that's probably all about it. OK, I'm lowing the rating to 3. 

"Arrival" (2016)'s imagination made much more sense: an alien species who possess alien abilities, one of the abilities is to pass the abilities to a chosen human. Because it's a movie, so we are not gonna ask why the aliens have come and what do they need help from humans in 3000 years' time. Like a lot of sci-fi movies, sci-fi is just a general background, like a desktop setting. What the movie is really about is the stories of the people in there. What's the story of "Arrival"? It's about this women's courage, the courage to choose, even when she can foresee the tragedies lying ahead. Choose what? Choose to love even when you know the loved ones are gonna leave you one day, choose to give unconditionally even when you can see how you would be left with nothing down the line. 

Ya, that's about it.