Friday, January 31, 2020

Coronavirus 3M N95 mask DIY

As WHO announced Coronavirus Global Health Emergency, it's not WHO lost faith in China (because Chinese gov is really acting fast and effectively on it). But for lower income countries and regions, if it became a outbreak, it could be very difficult to contain.  I'm relieved to see that at least the world is in alarm now and institutes and organizations are trying their best to prevent. 

3M, N95 masks are going to be out of stock eventually everywhere in the world, especially considering the fact that most masks are made in China. But mask is mask, just a layer to block virus, it can totally be made by yourself. 

Things to know: 1. People can get the virus from their eyes,  2. It requires a hard layer to block it.

So the essense is a layer of plastic (when you sew a mask yourself, add a layer of PLASTIC in the middle), either you make it into a mask or a cup to cover your head. 

In this photo, my friend who is working as a doctor made this head cover out of file folder. He disinfects the cover and his hands with 75% alcohol every few hours. 

May we all overcome.

Monday, January 27, 2020

What do you need to know about Coronavirus from China?

I think I was under panic attack last week lol...but now there is much more coverage and awareness, I'm at ease. What do you need to know about the Coronavirus?

1. The incubation period is from 1 to 14 days. Before showing any symptoms, the patients are most probably infectious. 

2. Some infected don't show any symptoms, which means some patients are infectious and moving around but we don't even know.

3. It's airborne, meaning a patient's sneeze that floats in the air could infect whole lot of people, especially if that's a "super infectious" ( a Chinese term, don't know if it applies to English). A "super infectious" could infect up to 14 people. The average infecting rate is 2.6, meaning averagely each patient could infect 2.6 others, without prevention.

4. Mask N95, 3M only could prevent it, and keep a 2-meter distance to the patient. Note: N95 3M one-time use are mostly out of stock in bay area, reusable ones still have some stock in Amazon. Get some,  just in case. 

5. Wash your hands as often as possible, each time at least 20 seconds with soup/detergent. 75% alcohol hand sanitizer also works, apply it as often as possible. 

6. Elderly, young and the sick who have weaker immune system have less chance to fight it. 

7. The number is surely going to climb and we have to know about it so to take precautions. 

This is the action that my daughter's preschool takes to prevent the spread.


Friday, January 17, 2020


印度老公给孩子们念儿童绘本版的印度古史诗巨篇《罗摩衍那》(成书于公元前300年) - 这也是印度排灯节的故事原型,故事中的很多人名地名据史学家考证都是真实存在的,史诗相当于是对当时真实事件的记载。





